Morton crest

Morton Parish Council is made up of 9 elected members - including a Chairman and Vice-Chair, who work for the benefit of the community and all local residents. The Parish Council is fully accountable and subject to detailed audit.

Meetings of Morton Parish Council are held monthly except during August. The AGM is held every May. The meetings are held on the second Monday evening of the month and are held in the Community Room at Morton Trentside School, Crooked Billet Street commencing at 6:30pm. Residents may attend meetings and can speak briefly on parish matters at the commencement of the meeting during the 15 minute public forum but due to limited space attendees are required to let the clerk know of their attendance prior to the meeting. Written questions can also be sent to the clerk prior to any meeting.

All enquiries about this website, content or meetings please contact the Parish Clerk.


Person(s) Responsible


Cllr Bruce Allison

Vice Chair

Cllr Judith Butroid

Community Assets Representative

Cllr A King

Environmental Representative


Playing Field Representative

Cllr Bruce Allison

Tyler Trust Representative

Cllr Judith Butroid

Village Hall Representative

Cllr Christine Allison