May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes of the 128th Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting Held on Monday 9th May 2022 at 6.30 pm, Morton Village Hall
Cllr Parry (Chair), Cllr Butroid, Cllr C Allison, Cllr Gott, Cllr Hammerton, Cllr Bull, PC Shaw, Beverley Riddle, Laura Frecknall, Simon Smoothey, C Graves (Clerk)
1. Apologies – Cllr B Allison, Cllr Panter, Cllr Youngman, Cllr Snee, Cllr Clews, Cllr Rollings
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 4th May 2021 - Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr Butroid, Seconded Cllr Gott. Agreed by all.
3. Current Chairman Cllr Parry welcomed all to the Annual Assembly of the Parish Council – Cllr Parry gave a verbal overview of 2021/2022 which saw the reintroduction of face-to-face meetings in June and the Morton Neighbourhood Plan was officially adopted this month. Work on analysing the data captured from the speed sign commenced at the beginning of the year and the purchase of a solar sign with financial help from the Councillor Initiative Fund. Morton Parish Council now had an up-to-date website and Facebook page. Projects completed included Local Listing of Heritage Assets, Tree Preservation Orders, Summer Litter Pick, and planting of trees to mark the Queens Platinum Jubilee. A meeting was held with Morton Trentside School in November to discuss moving forward with the community rooms following COVID restrictions and field maintenance. A letter to the Chief Constable of Lincolnshire Police was sent highlighting our continued concerns with rural policing.
Cllr Parry thanked Councillors for their ongoing support, time and efforts throughout the year which was greatly appreciated and special thanks to St Paul’s Church for allowing the Council to use the Church for meetings.
4. Clerk's Summary - Summary circulated prior to meeting. As of 9th May 2022, there was a balance of £42,669.23 in our combined bank accounts, however, this included money reserved for the bus shelter, new signage for the playing field, additional waste bins and possible Community Speed Watch.
5. Any Other Business including reports from partners and village organisations – Cllr Parry read out a report provided by Cllr Youngman, as our Village Hall representative and a thank you from Horse and Jockey Football Club.
PC Shaw circulated crime data which could be found on the website
On entering a postcode this shows a monthly account of crimes recorded by data submitted by local forces which includes ASB, violence and sexual assaults, public order offences, criminal damage, arson, and theft. The area can be expanded or condensed for a more accurate summary within a certain area. A brief discussion took place regarding the ongoing motorbike issue in the village and recent worrying incidents in the town, where arrests had since been made. PC Shaw emphasised that it was crucial that residents report any incidents through the correct police channels as this ensured that data is correctly recorded. Cllr C Allison expressed concern that some residents may feel frightened to report issues in case of repercussions. PC Shaw advised that all information is treated in confidence and he would be happy to talk to any residents who felt this way.
Cllr Parry thanked PC Shaw for his report.
No other reports received.
Meeting closed at 6.50 pm.