April 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 4 April 2022 at 6.30 pm St Paul’s Church, Morton
15 minute public forum – no members of the public in attendance
In Attendance - Cllr Parry (Chair), Cllr Allison (Vice-Chair), Cllr Youngman, Cllr Butroid, Cllr Gott, Cllr Bull, Cllr Panter, Cllr Hammerton, Cllr Snee, C. Allison, C. Graves
Chairman, Cllr Parry, extended a warm welcome to Mrs Christine Allison and proposed that item 9 of the agenda was brought forward. All in agreement.
Co-option of Parish Councillor – Councillors considered the application from Mrs Christine Allison. Proposed by Cllr Butroid. Seconded Cllr Panter. It was resolved that Mrs Allison be co-opted to the Council. Clerk to inform WLDC.
1. Apologies For Absence – No apologies received
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 February 2022 - Approved by all Parish Councillors. Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr Butroid. Seconded by Cllr Youngman.
3. Declarations of Interest – No declarations of interest noted.
4. Matters Arising and Review of Outstanding Items
a) Crime Vandalism and Antisocial Behaviour – No police in attendance and no report received. Cllr Bull reported that a caravan had been vandalised on Field Lane. Discussion took place regarding the ongoing reckless motorcyclists, and it was proposed that a letter be drafted to Lincolnshire Police to highlight this problem together with concerns regarding future police patrols and communication with the Parish Council following the departure of PCSO Thomas and PCSO Burnett. Clerk to action.
Cllr Allison enquired what progress had been made regarding the issue of dog fouling and any action that WLDC enforcement had taken. Cllr Snee advised that a Freedom of Information request could be submitted, and Clerk confirmed that Simon Smoothey, Street Cleansing Manager hoped to attend the next Parish Council meeting. Cllr Panter to make enquiries with WLDC.
b) Councillors Update – Cllr Snee reported that roll out of the purple lidded paper and cardboard recycling bins had commenced and West Lindsey were the fourth council to adopt this scheme to ensure that the national recycling targets are met. Guidance on what items can be placed in the purple bin can be found on the WLDC website. Cllr Allison reported that following the planting of the trees for the jubilee, additional trees were available from LCC, free of charge, if suitable space was identified.
c) SID Signage – Cllr Allison advised that the speed sign had now been relocated to Crooked Billet Street and data captured could then be compared with previous Front Street data. It would be interesting to know also how many cars turn off down Ropery Road or continue through the village along Front Street. It was hoped that the solar sign could be put in place soon now the weather was better.
d) Bus Shelter Walkerith Road – Clerk was pleased to advise that it had been confirmed that the grant application had been successful. Littlethorpe of Leicester would liaise directly with the highways department at LCC to ensure that appropriate permits and any temporary traffic lights were installed prior to removal of the old concrete shelter and installation of the new shelter. Clerk to place order for Bushby Shelter.
5. Accounts - Financial statement for February distributed prior to meeting. Proposed Cllr Gott. Seconded Cllr Panter. Clerk requested that consideration be given to the 2021/22 accounts being submitted to Rigel Wolf for audit prior to completion of the Annual Governance Accountability Return. Proposed Cllr Allison. Seconded Cllr Youngman. It was resolved that the accounts be submitted to Rigel Wolf for audit.
a) Website Maintenance Service 2022/23 – Clerk reported that following advice from Pete Langford the Parish Council currently average 25 minutes/month website maintenance. Therefore, the package of 10 hours a year would be adequate for our needs at a cost of £150. Proposed Cllr Allison. Seconded Cllr Butroid. It was resolved that the contract be continued through LALC. Clerk to action.
6. Burial Ground – Clerk advised that following discussion at the last meeting quotes had been requested for pest control from Gainsborough Pest Control and Elite Pest Management. Clerk to update prior to next meeting.
7. Planning Matters – to consider the following planning applications received
a) 144430, 6 Mill Lane – front and rear extensions and internal alterations - no objections
b) 144432, 66 Walkerith Road – Remove rear lean-to and replace with single storey extension -no objections
c) 144549, 1 Crooked Billet Street – part change of use from storeroom to studio flat – no objections
d) 144642, 22 Walkerith Road – erect double garage – no objections
e) 144673, Bycroft House, Bycroft Road – ground floor extension to rear, porch to front and alternations to window/door openings including insertion of side door – no objections
8. Playing Field and School Facilities – Cllr Parry explained that a letter had been received from Chair of Governors in reply to the Parish Council’s recent request for information. It confirmed that the community room/changing facilities would be cleared of school equipment over the easter break and be available for external use from 18 April. There was still no written confirmation of the dates and incidents when staff members have had to ask people to vacate the field during school hours. Clerk to liaise with the plumber and school to arrange installation of a new water heater and confirm who the keyholders are. Cllr Allison asked suggested that it may be a good time for the Playing Field Association be resurrected and a member of the cricket and football club, school, village hall and Parish Council to represent each group where matters such as field improvements and potential funding could be discussed. Clerk to explore previous Playing Field Association constitution.
9. Co-option of Parish Councillor – discussed and actioned at beginning of meeting
10. Queens Platinum Jubilee – Discussion took place regarding a donation to the Village Hall Committee for their afternoon tea on Friday 3rd June. Cllr Parry requested that Cllr Youngman make enquiries with the committee as to what would be a useful donation whether this be a donation of refreshments or a raffle prize. Cllr Parry requested that pending confirmation a vote be made to agree on a donation. All in agreement. Cllr Youngman to update.
11. Community Speed Watch – Further to the last meeting Councillors had had the opportunity to digest the information booklet. Cllr Snee advised that Scotter Parish ran a successful Community Speed Group. It was agreed that Clerk would approach them to ask if someone would be willing to attend a further meeting to discuss the pros and cons of the scheme so an informed decision could be made about moving forward.
12. Litter Pick 2022 – The spring litter pick would be held this Saturday. The Village Hall Committee had kindly allowed access to the kitchen and toilet facilities after the event and the Parish Council would provide refreshments.
13. Items for inclusion on the next Agenda
a) Commemorative plaque for jubilee trees
Date and Time of Next Meeting – Monday 9 May 2022 at 6.30pm, Morton Village Hall including Annual Parish Meeting.
The meeting closed at 7.42 pm.