May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes of the 129th Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting Held on Monday 15th May 2023 at 6.30 pm, Morton Village Hall
Cllr Parry (Chair), Cllr B Allison (Vice-Chair), Cllr Butroid, Cllr C Allison, Cllr Youngman, Cllr Gott, Cllr Panter, Cllr Mander, Cllr Ward, Cllr Clews, Cllr Carless, L Middleton, C. Graves (Clerk)
1. Apologies – Cllr Rollings, apologies accepted.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th May 2022 - Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr Butroid, Seconded Cllr C Allison. Agreed by all.
3. Current Chairman Cllr Parry welcomed all to the Annual Assembly of the Parish Council and gave a warm welcome to Cllr Mander and Cllr Ward, newly elected. Cllr Parry gave a verbal overview of 2022/2023. He expressed disappointment of the withdrawal of police attendance at Parish Council meetings and the continued lack of engagement with the community. These concerns would be addressed with Inspector Head at a meeting to be scheduled. Good news included the installation of the new bus shelter and successful litter pick. Unfortunately, the bus shelter had sadly been the subject of vandalism. The SID sign data analysis was proving to be useful in establishing traffic volume and violations and help build a picture of traffic flow through the village. Communication with WLDC planning and enforcement continued to prove frustrating. It was hoped that the establishment of the new Playing Field Committee would ensure that the field and community room were better utilised for the benefit of the community.
Cllr Parry thanked Councillors for their attendance throughout the year.
4. Clerk's Summary - Summary circulated prior to meeting. As of 15th May 2023, there was a balance of £38,301.83 in our combined bank accounts.
5. Any Other Business including reports from partners and village organisations.
a) Horse & Jockey FC – Ben Sleight was in attendance on behalf of Horse & Jockey football club. He reported that overall, they were happy with the facilities at the playing field. They had not needed to use the changing rooms. The rabbit holes were predominantly around the perimeter of the field and did not cause too much disruption. A litter bin would be useful, however he acknowledged that there was one situated at the entrance. As they had finished for the season, he handed the keys back to the Clerk and would liaise later in year with fixtures for 2023/24.
b) Village Hall – Cllr Youngman gave a verbal report on behalf of the Village Hall Committee. The village hall had benefited from the rewiring of certain lights and plumbing which had been a large expense. Other purchases included new lights at the entrance, garden signs, outside furniture and fencing along the carpark to allow the grassed area to be child friendly for functions. Private hiring continues to increase, however, there is still a shortfall of income against payments. The village hall wishes to allocate some money to the next Morton Feast. The village hall played a key part in the 10k. A coffee morning was held for the Queens Platinum Jubilee and a coronation tea party, the Parish Council kindly donating a hamper for both these events. It hosted the recent elections. The village hall continues to host Zumba, Pilates, art and craft classes, scouts and the tea dances have once again commenced as well as the quiz nights which are popular. It is recognised that Morton is lucky to have such a light and airy village hall run by a very dedicated band of helpers and members.
No other reports received.
Meeting closed at 6.44 pm.