January 2025 Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 13th January 2025, at 6:30pm in the Community Room at Morton Trentside School
15-minute public forum – N. Tinker.
Chairman, Cllr B Allison welcomed all to the meeting.
In Attendance - Cllr B Allison, Cllr Butroid, Cllr C Allison, Cllr King, Cllr Field, Cllr Tompkins, C Graves (clerk).
1. Apologies for Absence – Cllr Parry - apologies accepted.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 9th December 2024 – Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr C Allison. Seconded by Cllr King.
3. Declarations of Interest – none.
4. Councillor Vacancies - An expression of interest had been received from Mr Nicholas Tinker. Nick was welcomed to the meeting and it was proposed by Cllr B Allison that Nick be co-opted to the council. Seconded by Cllr C Allison. All in agreement and it was therefore resolved that Mr Nicholas Tinker be co-opted. Acceptance of office and receipt of Code of Conduct were signed. Clerk to inform WLDC. Cllr B Allison thanked Nick for his efforts with the playing field and football. A certificate and letter of appreciation were signed and clerk would pass onto M. Gott.
5. Accounts – Monthly financial statement distributed prior to meeting. Clerk provided a brief overview for Cllr Tinker of the breakdowns and reserves. No questions. Proposed Cllr Field. Seconded Cllr C Allison.
a) Precept 2025/26 - Following submission of the precept estimate of £16,409.41 which included an increase of 2.7% it was proposed by Cllr Tompkins and seconded by Cllr Butroid that the final submission should remain the same at £16,409.41. All in agreement. Clerk to action.
6. Community Safety (Crime, Vandalism, Anti-Social Behaviour & Speeding)
a) New Crime Reports – Nothing to report.
b) SID Data - Cllr B Allison shared the data for the period October to December. We were now in a position to have year on year data for comparisons. Although reassuring that 85% of traffic adhered to the speed limit, on average nearly 400 vehicles a day exceeded the speed limit travelling at over 35 mph. Cllr B Allison would share information with Lincolnshire Police and Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership. A brief discussion took place regarding the potential for a crossing outside the co-op and clerk had made tentative inquiries with LCC about the application process and was awaiting a response.
7. Playing Field & Shared Community Facilities
a) Morton Community Field Proposals - Following previous discussions, evidence of financial contributions by the council and statements from the cricket club, we were now able to formally respond. It was agreed, however, that prior to this Cllr Field would set up a meeting with her contact for him to cast his eye on the counter proposal and relevance of the 99 year lease and legal obligations. Cllr B Allison proposed that the response be agreed in principle pending feedback from the meeting with Cllr Field. Seconded by Cllr King. Clerk to action and request a meeting with LCC and school representatives.
b) Fallen/dangerous tree - Clerk informed the council that following the quote circulated via email on 20th December from Viking Trees and attempts for further quotes unsuccessful, due to the urgency of the project a majority (4 councillors) replied and agreed that Viking Trees should be instructed to carry out the work as soon as possible. Clerk informed the council that the work was to be done in the next few days. The school had been informed to allow access to the field. Clerk would liaise with the residents whose garden fence and children’s play equipment it had damaged before considering an insurance claim.
8. Burial Ground
a) Burial Records - Cllr Tompkins offered to assist with the records and database. Proposed Cllr Field. Seconded Cllr King. Clerk to liaise with Cllr Tompkins.
b) Grounds maintenance - Cllr King requested that the previous quotes received for the carriageway repairs be shared again. Clerk to arrange a site meeting with LCC Highways regarding their request for a financial contribution to clear and cut back trees that had invaded the culvert. Clerk to feedback.
9. Planning Matters
a) WL/2025/00014 - planning application for two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, front entrance canopy and other alternations. 1 West Street, Morton, DN21 3AZ - no comments. Clerk to action.
b) Important Open Space, Field Lane - Cllr B Allison provided a brief overview for Cllr Tinker. Cllr Butroid would liaise legal representative for an update.
10. Village Environment
a) Fix My Street – January report circulated by Cllr B Allison.
b) End of World War 2 Remembrance (8 May/15 August) - Cllr C Allison reported that the knitting of poppies was productive and these would be displayed on netting. She would liaise with St Pauls on siting of display. A wreath of purple poppies was also being made to remember the animals lost at war. Cllr Tinker offered to assist with the poppies that had been purchased to display on lamp posts.
c) Litter Picks 2025 - Cllr B Allison shared the possible dates of 29th March, 3rd May, 5th July and 13th September. No objections. Clerk would arrange a skip for February half term to clear the rubbish from behind the garage.
11. Tyler Trust – Cllr Butroid advised that an advertisement promoting the Trust had been circulated on social media and the noticeboard. The next meeting of the Tyler Trust was due to take place on 4th March 2025.
12. Village Hall Representative – Cllr C Allison attended the meeting on 8th January and provided a brief report. There were various events planned, the next was a quiz night on 8th February and proceeds were to go towards Morton Feastival 2025.
13. Community Assets – Cllr King was keen to move forward with improving the multi use game area and once more consider options for improving or renovating the fencing to bring this up to a adequate level so the area could be utilised. Cllr C Allison had recently noticed a advertisement pinned to the bus shelter and suggested that a noticeboard be installed and a small charge be made for advertising. Cllr Tinker to explore the possible options.
14. Policy Review - Clerk to follow-up on further storage options and quotes.
15. Councillor Updates – Cllr’s B & C Allison were planning on a Easter fundraiser for children in the village on Easter Saturday. This would involve a small Easter egg hunt in the maze. Cllr Tinker explained that work was ongoing on the field to re-site the goals so the current goal mouths could be rested. Clerk would liaise with Cllr Tinker to enable him to gain access to the garage. He also reported that the rabbits were once again an issue and further attention would need considering to control the problem. This was disappointing considering the recent attempts and costs of trying to reduce numbers.
16. Items for Inclusion on next Agenda
a) Burial and Playing Field Fees
b) Retention and Storage
c) Fundraising
d) Grass Cutting
17. Date and time of Next Meeting – Monday 10th February 2025 at 6:30 to be held at Community Room, Morton Trentside School.
Meeting closed at 8.09 pm.