May 2020 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting

A meeting of the Parish Council will be held remotely via Zoom on Monday 4th May 2020 at 6.30pm.
Members of the public are invited to send any correspondence that they wish to be raised at the meeting to the Clerk via the email address
Please note that meeting of the 126th Annual Assembly of the Parish Council has been postponed.
1. Election of Chairman for the Ensuing Year – current Chair Cllr Parry
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Election of Vice-Chair for the Ensuing Year – current Vice-Chair Cllr Allison
4. Election of Village Hall Representative – currently Cllr Youngman
5. Election of Tyler Charity Trustee – currently Cllr Butroid
6. Election of Tree Officer - currently Cllr Panter
7. Minutes of Previous Meeting - meeting 30th March cancelled
8. Declarations of Interest – to receive any declarations of interest
9. Matters Arising and Review of Outstanding Items
(a) Crime, Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour – update and resolve any action to be taken
10. Neighbourhood Planning – update and resolve any action to be taken
11. Accounts - review and agree outstanding accounts
12. Burial Ground - update and resolve any action to be taken
13. Planning Matters – to consider any planning applications received
14. Playing Field and School Facilities
(a) School Shared Agreement – to consider quote for lighting and removal of shelter and fallen tree
(b) Playing Field Association – update
15. Items for inclusion on the next Agenda
16. Date and Time of Next Meeting – Next meeting Monday 8th June 2020 6.30pm