Planning Applications

Developing and Protecting our Community
West Lindsey District Council and Lincolnshire County Council are the Statutory Planning Authorities that determine planning and development in Morton.
Morton Parish Council and local residents are notified of new planning applications and are given 28 days to respond following notification of intended development.
West Lindsey District Council adopted Morton's Neighbourhood Plan following a referendum in May 2021. This is a planning policy document that is given legal weight by the Localism Act of 2011 which enables the community to have a greater say in how Morton may change in the future including locations for new housing, employment, the historic environment, the protection of important areas in the village, policies on infrastructure, tourism, the natural environment, design and local character.
Morton Parish Council now refers to a Planning Applications Assessment each time a new application is received.
You can access the template by clicking on the link below.
Planning Application Assessment