February 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 4th February 2019 at 6.30pm.
15 minute public forum – The following members of the public were in attendance.
N. Clayton, J. Clayton, M. Gott, T. Wood
In Attendance – Cllr Parry, Cllr Panter, Cllr Allison, Cllr Lightfoot, Cllr Bull, Cllr Butroid, Cllr Youngman, PCSO Thomas
1. Apologies for absence – None received
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 267th January 2019 – Approved by all Parish Councillors. Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr Panter. Seconded by Cllr Lightfoot. Master copy signed by Cllr Parry.
3. Declaration of Interests – Cllr Lightfoot Agenda Item 9 (part a only)
4. Matters Arising and Review of Outstanding Items
(a) Crime, Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour – PCSO Thomas gave an update on reports of cultivation of cannabis plants which was currently under investigation. No other issues to report. PCSO Thomas was thanked for his time and attendance.
(b) Councillor’s Updates – Cllr Allison reported that the Annual Litter Pick would take place on Sunday 7th April 10am-12noon. Meet at Village Hall. Cllr Youngman to arrange for bags etc to be provided. Cllr Panter to advertise Litter Pick on website and in newsletter.
(c) SID Signage/Speed Watch Survey – Clerk informed Council that Councillor Initiative Fund application had been successful and £1,000 had been received.
(d) Bus Shelter on Walkerith Road – Clerk had made enquiries with LCC Highways and was awaiting further advice.
(e) Residents letter Southlands – Draft letter received prior to meeting. Contents agreed by Council and Clerk to post.
(f) Councillor vacancies – Expression of interest from Mr M Gott. Requested to email Clerk if he wishes to pursue.
5. Neighbourhood Planning – Cllr Allison reported that Clive Keble had been appointed as consultant. Next meeting was scheduled for 11th February to discuss work schedule with tentative completion date of early 2020. Consideration would need to be given to funding and grants.
6. Accounts
(a) Review and Agree Outstanding Accounts
Clerk presented financial statement February 2018 and gave a summary of current position. A number of outstanding invoices had been highlighted and Clerk would look into these. Documentation for change of signatory had been submitted to The Co-Operative Bank.
(b) Annual Governance Accountability Return 2018
Agreed and signed off by Chair and Clerk. Clerk to submit to external auditors. Cllr Panter to publish on the website.
7. Burial Ground – Cllr Panter to publish current fees to on website subject to review April 2019.
8. Planning Matters
(a) 138846 planning application for change of use of public house to shop, Crooked Billet, 1 Crooked Billet Street, Morton, DN21 3AG. A number of members of the public were in attendance to discuss their concerns and objections. These included; work carried out prior to planning application, general poor appearance, highway safety and parking. Cllr Parry advised that Clerk would submit all concerns to WLDC on behalf of residents and Parish Council, however, individuals should also submit their own objections. Anyone wishing to view comments submitted to WLDC please email clerk for copy (caroline.gravesmpc@gmail.com).
(b) 138935 planning application for front and rear extensions and other alterations, 43 Walkerith Road, Morton, DN21 3DA. No objections.
9. Playing Field and School Facilities
(a) Resolution School Shared Agreement – Chance to Share Agreement received prior to meeting. Agreed - Clerk to draft letter to school regarding agreement and moving forward. Clerk to inform cricket and football club that there will be no kitchen facilities. Changing room and toilets only.
(b) General Update from Playing Field Association – Further date yet to be confirmed for meeting.
10. Parish Agreement Highway Verge Cutting Scheme 2019/20 - Agreed that Clerk would contact WLDC and inform them to include the identified verges into the schedules for their contractors.
11. Street Lighting – To discuss LCC proposals. Deferred to next meeting.
12. Grit Bins - Provision of grit bins. Deferred to next meeting.
13. Items for inclusion on the next Agenda
- Gainsborough in Bloom.
- Street Lighting
- Grit Bins
14. Date and Time of Next Meeting – Monday 11th March 2019 6.30pm.
Meeting closed at 8pm.