July 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 29th July 2019 at 6.30pm.
15 minute public forum – In attendance; Clive Middleton, Lucille Middleton, Cllr Clews, James Ward
Mrs Middleton presented to the Council concerns raised by residents regarding use of the community room facilities and access to the playing field. Concern was expressed at the lack of consultation with the community on progress of the 1994 Chance to Share Agreement between the PC, LCC and school. Mrs Middleton reported that it was felt that access to the playing field had gradually been restricted over the years without any notification or consultation with the community. Mrs Middleton requested an update from the Chair.
Cllr Parry responded that since the meeting with the school and representative from LCC on 18th June the PC were awaiting a quote from the school to replace the lock on the community room. At present the playing field and community room were used by Morton Cricket Club and Morton Football Club. Cllr Parry reassured Mr and Mrs Middleton that if there was anything further to report or update then this would be documented at future PC meetings.
It was suggested that any updates could also be printed in the Morton Community Newsletter. Mrs Middleton provided a printed copy to the Clerk of concerns raised. Cllr Clews raised the issue of safeguarding and asked if the PC had received any documentation of issues with members of the public obtaining access to the field in school hours. Discussion took place around the possibility of a play park for children on the field as residents felt that was an area which was lacking for Morton.
In Attendance – Cllr Parry (Chair), Cllr Panter, Cllr Butroid, Cllr Bingham, Cllr Gott, C.Graves (Clerk)
Cllr Parry reported that he had received the resignation of Cllr Lightfoot. Council considered the application by Mr James Ward. Proposed Cllr Panter. Seconded Cllr Gott. Resolved by all to co-opt Mr Ward as a councillor. Clerk to complete relevant paperwork and submit to WLDC.
1. Apologies for absence – Cllr Allison, Cllr Youngman
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 24th June 2019 – Approved by all Parish Councillors. Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr Panter. Seconded Cllr Butroid. Master copy signed by Cllr Parry.
3. Declaration of Interests – no declarations of interest noted.
4. Matters Arising and Review of Outstanding Items
(a) Crime, Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour – Cllr Butroid reported a further incident. Police had been informed through the appropriate channels and situation would be monitored.
(b) Councillor’s Updates
- Cllr Bingham/Gott reported that the broken bench outside the residential flats on corner of Cross/South Street had been removed, however, a replacement had not yet been put in place. Clerk to contact ACIS.
(c) SID Signage/Speed Watch Survey – Clerk distributed quote from UniPart Dorman. Proposed Cllr Panter. Seconded Cllr Bingham. All in agreement. Clerk to contact company for formal quotation and cost of installation. Clerk to liaise with Community Speed Watch.
(d) Bus Shelter on Walkerith Road – Specification of new shelter needs to be submitted prior to grant being confirmed. Example of anti-vandal shelter distributed. Cllr Gott will seek local quote.
5. Neighbourhood Planning – Cllr Parry read out a brief report received from Cllr Allison. Facebook page has now been created for the Neighbourhood Plan.
6. Accounts - Review and Agree Outstanding Accounts
Clerk distributed financial statement for July. Proposed Cllr Butroid. Seconded Cllr Panter.
7. Burial Ground
(a) Update and resolve any action to be taken – The Council considered an application received for purchase of burial plot. Proposed Cllr Panter. Seconded Cllr Ward. All in agreement.
(b) Headstones – Cllr Panter provided contact details to have drone photographs taken of cemetery. Clerk to contact individual.
8. Planning Matters – to consider any planning applications received.
(a) 139726 – planning application for proposed front extension, 9 Mill Lane, Morton, DN21 3BS. Councillors reported difficulty viewing plans on website. Cllr Gott to contact WLDC if problem continues.
(b) Proposed storage lagoon – no update.
9. Playing Field and School Facilities
(a) Resolution School Shared – Cllr Parry put forward that the invoice for caretaking costs April 18-March 19 be paid. Clerk to contact school to request revising invoice for utility costs for training sessions that had not taken place. Proposed Cllr Ward. Seconded Cllr Gott. All in agreement.
(b) Playing Field Association – no update.
10. Road Resurfacing – Following Cllr Allison’s complaint and lodged service request white lines had now been re-painted.
11. Pavements – Clerk to forward Cllr Allison’s observations of round up of worse pavements to Councillors and share with LCC concerns of poor condition of pavements and lack of accessibility for disabled people in some areas of the village. Cllr Gott reported that vehicles parking on pavements and dropped kerbs seemed to have eased around the Cross/South Street area.
12. Dog Fouling – Clerk to contact Scout Leader and Cllr Panter to contact WLDC regarding poor condition of some of the bins around the village.
13. Grass Verges/Wildflowers – Cllr Butroid reported that Cllr Bull had made the grassed area of Field Lane more presentable. Cllr Panter reported an area along Morton Front that did not appear to have been cut and queried who responsible for the island at the junction. Clerk to distribute map of grass cutting scheme. Cllr Partner to enquire with WLDC regarding wildflowers.
14. Items for Inclusion on the next Agenda
- Crooked Billet/parking
- Grass verges/Field Lane/wildflowers
- Grit bins
15. Date and Time of Next Meeting – Monday 2nd September 2019 at 6.30pm. (no August meeting)
The meeting closed at 8.05pm.