June 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 24th June 2019 at 6.30pm.
15 minute public forum – In attendance; Cllr Rollings, Cllr Clews, Mr Stride.
Cllr Clews circulated a written request for the Parish Council to consider taking over responsibility for the grass verges with a view to developing certain areas to wildflowers. Dog fouling, additional signage and bins was also raised. Mr Stride wished the Parish Council to be aware of issues around cars parking on pathways and on dropped kerbs, causing problems for residents in mobility scooters and pushing prams. The condition of some of the pavements around the village were also in a poor state. Cllr Rollings raised concerns regarding the future of sporting activities on the playing field. Agreed – grass verges, pavements and dog fouling agenda items for July. Clerk to enquire about additional dog fouling signage/bins and also contact PCSO Thomas to make him aware of the issue with parked vehicles.
In Attendance – Cllr Parry (Chair), Cllr Allison (Vice-Chair), Cllr Panter, Cllr Youngman, Cllr Lightfoot, Cllr Butroid, Cllr Bingham, Cllr Gott, C.Graves (Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence – no apologies received.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 20th May 2019 – Approved by all Parish Councillors. Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr Butroid. Seconded Cllr Youngman. Master copy signed by Cllr Parry.
3. Declaration of Interests – no declarations of interest noted.
4. Matters Arising and Review of Outstanding Items
(a) Crime, Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour – Cllr Butroid reported no further incidents. Cllr Gott had been informed of a theft of a mower, strimmer and catalytic converter recently in day light.
(b) Councillor’s Updates
- Cllr Butroid reported that the grass on Field Lane was very badly cut and was in support of letting this grow and planting wildflower seeds. Cllr Parry recommended that photographs of cuts be taken and emailed to Clerk if possible. Discussion took place regarding weeds growing on pavements and gutters and whether anybody has been seen around the village spraying recently. Cllrs to note any spraying taking place and feedback at next meeting. If no action then Clerk to contact WLDC regarding schedule.
(c) SID Signage/Speed Watch Survey – Ongoing. Application submitted.
(d) Bus Shelter on Walkerith Road – Ongoing. Grant application submitted.
5. Neighbourhood Planning – Cllr Allison gave a verbal update. Character survey now complete and submitted to consultant along with other evidence gathered. A draft report was expected mid to late July. Facebook page being explored to engage further with public and tent at Feast. Plan on scheduled with an estimated completion date of July 2020.
6. Accounts
(a) Review and Agree Outstanding Accounts Including Statement of Financial Affairs 2017/18 and 2018/19 - Clerk distributed financial statement for June. Proposed Cllr Lightfoot. Seconded Cllr Allison. Cllr Parry and Cllr Allison signed off. Clerk requested that Councillors consider writing off the sum of £2,636.02 which had been identified in the 2017/18 statement of financial affairs prepared by Rigel Wolf. Proposed Cllr Allison. Seconded Cllr Youngman. Agreed sum to be wrote off. Councillors to contact Clerk direct with any queries.
7. Burial Ground
(a) Update and resolve any action to be taken – Discussion took place regarding admin fee for ancestry burial enquires. Agreed that as this was time consuming a fee of £10.00 would be payable. Cllr Panter to update website to reflect this. Planned walk round with Cllr Butroid, Cllr Youngman and Clerk to be arranged.
(b) Headstones – Cllr Panter offered his assistance with identifying those headstones that could be unsafe. Further planning and discussion needed.
8. Planning Matters – to consider any planning applications received.
(a) 139432 – proposed planning for application for single storey rear extension. No objections.
(b) Crooked Billet – ATM installed and licence to sell alcohol sign had been erected above entrance.
9. Playing Field and School Facilities
(a) Resolution School Shared Agreement – Cllr Lightfoot circulated notes from meeting of 18th June. Cllr Parry gave a verbal update of meeting. Discussion took place regarding possible options moving forward and how the Neighbourhood Plan would help shape negotiations regarding the Chance to Share Agreement. Cllr Parry advised that awaiting quote for replacing the lock and new keys issued for the Community Room. Clerk to explore legal advice.
(b) General Update from Playing Field Association – no update.
(c) Rabbits – no more complaints received. Clerk to contact DWG Groundcare and request any holes are made good prior to the Feast fun run.
10. Grit Bins – Deferred.
11. Morton Feast – Clerk to contact DWG Groundcare and request that area around the gate where the runners enter the field is cleared.
12. Proposed Storage Lagoon – no new documentation since May.
13. Tree Preservations – Further to previous discussions at last meeting. Matter resolved as tree still in situ.
14. Road Resurfacing – Cllr Allison reported that the lines had no been repainted since the resurfacing work had taken place. This included central lines and the bus stop markings outside school. Clerk to contact LCC highways.
15. Items for Inclusion on the next Agenda
- Grass verges/wildflowers
- Dog fouling
- Pavements
- Grass cutting burial ground
16. Date and Time of Next Meeting – Monday 29th July 2019 at 6.30pm.
The meeting closed at 8.10pm.