April 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 24th April 2023 6.30 pm Morton Village Hall
15-minute public forum – no members of the public in attendance.
In Attendance – Cllr Parry (Chair), Cllr B Allison (Vice-Chair), Cllr Bull, Cllr Butroid, Cllr C Allison, Cllr Youngman, Cllr I Hammerton, C Graves (Clerk).
1. Apologies For Absence – Cllr M Gott, apologies noted and accepted.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th March – Approved by all Parish Councillors. Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr Hammerton. Seconded by Cllr Youngman.
3. Declarations of Interest – no declarations of interest were noted.
4. Matters Arising and Review of Outstanding Items.
a) Crime Vandalism and Antisocial Behaviour – No police in attendance and no report received. Cllr Parry expressed disappointment that the bus shelter had once again been vandalised. He asked Cllr Youngman to pass on the Council’s thanks to her husband for clearing up and removing the broken panes. It was agreed that for the time being the shelter would be left unglazed until a decision was made regarding replacement. Cllr B Allison stressed the need for residents to report any antisocial behaviour direct to the police. Cllr Hammerton reported that issues with motor cyclists speeding and riding around recklessly continues to be an issue around the village and on along the riverbank. Cllr C Allison also confirmed this. Cllr Butroid reported that she had noticed a den had been built in the wooded area near to the playing field and was concerned that it may concern paraphernalia that could cause harm. Cllr C Allison agreed to investigate along with the Clerk and report to the police if necessary. Clerk would put together a list of issues and concerns that could be discussed with Inspector Head when a meeting is arranged following the elections.
b) Councillors Update – no reports
c) SID Signage – Cllr B Allison distributed March data from SID1 and SID2 which recorded that there was an increase in the number of vehicles in Walkerith Road and the average speed of all vehicles has increased slightly. The number of violations increased to its highest level so far with 6000 incidents of excessive speed recorded. The top speed captured being similar to excessive speeds recorded in February.
d) Parking – Deferred to next meeting.
e) Lagoon – Cllr Youngman shared some photographs of the lagoon and the fence that was currently around the perimeter. Clerk to approach WLDC enforcement and ask if they had done a site visit recently.
5. Accounts – Financial statement distributed prior to meeting. No questions. Proposed Cllr B Allison. Seconded Cllr C Allison. 2022/23 accounts had been submitted to Rigel Wolf for internal audit.
6. Burial Ground – Clerk advised that she had received notification from WLDC that applications were now open for capital grants for 2023/24. Clerk to follow-up and obtain further quotes for resurfacing.
7. Planning Matters – No applications received. Cllr B Allison reported that the new Central Lincolnshire Local Plan had been formally adopted on 13 April and this replaced the first plan adopted in 2013. He advised that the Morton Neighbourhood Plan would need reviewing to ensure that it crossed referenced to the new Central Plan. The copy of the plan could be found at https://www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/central-lincolnshire
a) 54 Field Lane – deferred to next meeting.
b) Horsley Close – deferred to next meeting. Cllr Hammerton’s observations from Planning Committee Meeting held on 29 March distributed prior to meeting.
c) Crooked Billet – deferred to next meeting.
8. Playing Field and School Facilities – Clerk to summarise questions and suggestions from L Middleton, C Emery and L Mander and share with Council. Clerk advised that she had been approached by White Horse United FC regarding utilising the playing field.
9. Warping Drain – No update.
10. Litter Pick 2023 Monday 8th May 10 am – 12 noon – Cllr B Allison to liaise with Cllr Youngman regarding equipment and inform Simon Smoothey of pick. Volunteers should meet at the Village Hall at 10 am and light refreshments would be provided following the pick in the Community Room.
11. Items for inclusion on the next Agenda
a) Warping drain (Field Lane)
b) Email security update
12. Date and Time of Next Meeting – Monday 15th May 2023 at 6.30pm, Village Hall.
Cllr Parry presented Cllr Bull with a thank you gift for his service to Morton Parish Council, as this was his last meeting.
The meeting closed at 6.57 pm (LIVES utilise the Tom Sunderland room on the last Monday of the month).