July 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 10th July 2023, at 6:30pm in the Community Room at Morton Trentside School
15-minute public forum – no members of the public in attendance.
In Attendance - Cllr B Allison, Cllr C Allison, Cllr J Butoid, Cllr Gott, S.Lightfoot (minute taker)
1. Apologies For Absence – Cllr Youngman, Cllr Parry, C. Graves (clerk) – apologies noted and accepted. Cllr Ward, Cllr Mander - No apologies received.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 12th June 2023 - Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr B Allison. Seconded by Cllr Butroid.
3. Declarations of Interest – Cllr Butroid, 54 Field Lane (9b)
4. Councillor Vacancy – Following the resignation of Cllr Panter vacancy to be advertised.
5. Accounts – Distributed prior to meeting. No questions. Proposed Cllr B Allison. Seconded Cllr Butroid.
6. Community Safety (Crime, Vandalism, Anti-Social Behaviour & Speeding)
a) Link to Police online reporting on website – overall positive impact and feedback (Cllr B Allison)
b) Review of new SID data and response from Facebook posting - Cllr B Allison uploaded data to social media. Community feedback so far has been positive and successful.
c) Archer test Front Street & Crooked Billet Street – Clerk to action
d) New crime reports – Following recent police car chase, member of the public was unfortunately injured whilst driving her car. Police caught and dealt with incident in 24 hours. Cllr Butroid reported high speeds through the day on Field Lane (Ford escort).
7. Playing Field & Shared Community Facilities – KIXX of Gainsborough continue to utilise field and are grateful to the Council. Cllr Butroid had photographed the goal posts, however, these are not within the perimeter so do not affect the cricket.
a) Formation of Playing Field Committee – all in attendance in favour of the new playing field committee. Lucille Middleton, Colin Emery, Leah Mander, Ben Sleight, Steve Butroid. Clerk to request an update on the terms of the use of playing field regarding new updates.
8. Burial Ground
a) Refurbishment of path - Clerk to feedback on additional quotes following site visits at next meeting. Clerk to follow-up on recent enquiry of the purchase of cremation plots and request family connections to Morton.
b) Review of fees – comparison of fees from other parishes distributed prior to meeting for consideration. It was proposed that the following amendments be made to the fees for Morton Burial Ground and this would be ratified at the next meeting:-
Exclusive Rights Burial (99 years) from £225 to £250
Exclusive Rights Cremation from £175 to £200
Vase from £30 to £50
Additional Inscription from no charge to £30
Headstone Removal from £100 to £70
Administration flat fee from £35 to £50 and over 2 hours £22 per hour for any additional hours thereafter.
9. Planning
a) New planning applications – none received.
b) 54 Field Lane (Kitty’s Field) - no update.
c) Neighbourhood plan and new central Lincolnshire local plan – Cllr B Allison monitoring plan and will feedback at next meeting.
d) Lagoon – Site visit to lagoon. Unsafe as no cover and the gate was open. Cllr B Allison drafting letter to WLDC and Blyton Parish Council as discussed at last meeting.
10. Village Environment
a) Warping drain - awaiting response from Cllr Rollings.
b) Re-wilding Field Lane - Cllr Butroid liaising regarding seeds (Woodland Trust). Grass cannot be cut from Southlands residences and parking on grass Field Lane.
c) Fix my street – Cllr Gott had concerns as some pavements were in a poor state.
d) WLDC dog fouling initiative – Cllr Ward not in attendance, defer to next meeting.
11. Tyler Trust – Cllr Butroid to update following next meeting of Tyler Trust on Tuesday 11th July.
12. Village Hall Representative - Cllr Youngman had circulated an update by email.
13. Community Assets
a) Liability Insurance - Cllr B Allison to attend the next Village Hall Committee meeting to raise concerns regarding risk assessment, licenses for the Morton Festival 2024 and feedback.
b) Refurbishment of noticeboard – Cllr Gott to update at next meeting.
c) New lock for barrier – Cllr Gott had passed the new lock to Clerk.
14. Councillor Updates – Following the contested election an invoice for £3,851.94 had been received from WLDC. Cllr B Allison and Clerk to attend LALC summer conference on 19th July.
15. Items for Inclusion on next Agenda
a) Community room hot water
b) Insurance
16. Date and time of Next Meeting - September 11th at 6:30 to be held at Community Room, Morton Trentside School.
Meeting closed at 7.41 pm.