June 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 12th June 2023, Community Room
15 minutes public forum – Mr Colin Emery was in attendance (Item 7)
In Attendance – Cllr B Allison, Cllr Butroid, Cllr C Allison, Cllr Parry, Cllr Gott, Cllr Ward, Cllr Youngman, Cllr Panter, C Graves (Clerk)
1. Apologies For Absence – Cllr Mander, Cllr Clews, Cllr Carless, L. Middleton – apologies accepted and noted.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th May 2023 – Cllr Parry requested clarification from Clerk on Agenda Item 15 as minutes stated that future dates would be the second Monday of each month, and this was not duly ratified by council. Clerk to amend minutes accordingly and with amendments proposed by Cllr Ward. Seconded by Cllr C Allison. The minutes of the Annual Assembly held on 15th May were agreed as a true and accurate record. Proposed Cllr B Allison. Seconded Cllr Ward.
3. Declarations of Interest – Cllr Butroid, 54 Field Lane (item 9b)
4. Meeting Dates 2023/24 – Circulated prior to meeting. To be published on noticeboard, website, and Facebook. Future meetings would be the second Monday of each month excluding August.
5. Accounts –
a) 2022/23 Audit and Annual Governance – End of year financial statement circulated prior to meeting in preparation for the submission of the Annual Governance Accountability return to external auditors PKF Littlejohn. Clerk to finalise VAT rebate which was estimated at around £4,000 for period January 2021 to March 2023, which was not reflected in this year’s final accounts. No further questions. Proposed Cllr Gott. Seconded Cllr Butroid. Annual Governance Accountability Return signed off by Chairman and Clerk. Clerk to arrange submission before deadline of 30 June and publish relevant documents on website and noticeboard in accordance with statutory regulations including notice of public rights.
6. Crime, Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour
a) Email received from Lincolnshire Police – Correspondence received from Inspector Head on behalf of Superintendent Coates regarding the future of neighbourhood policing and changes proposed circulated prior to meeting for consideration.
b) Letter sent to Inspector Head – Cllr B Allison expressed concern that the Teams meeting proposed for December for Parish Councils was an unrealistic timeframe and concerns regarding issues in the village needed highlighting sooner rather than later. Discussion took place regarding communication with the police since they no longer attended parish council meetings and it was agreed that a letter would be sent after each meeting to Inspector Head summarising concerns and issues within the village, and included would be the data analysis from the Speed Indicator Signs and playing field safety. Cllr B Allison suggested that during the summer the Community Room could be opened for a session with the local police and Parish Council for residents to drop in discuss issues relating to the village. Cllr Parry shared his frustration that the online reporting system was hard to navigate making it difficult for residents to easily report incidents and suggested that any assistance the Council could provide may encourage more people to report suspicious behaviour. It was suggested that the Parish Council website contain a direct link to the Lincolnshire Police online reporting system. Clerk to action.
c) Prowlers – Council were reassured to learn that Lincolnshire police had arrested a prowler in Lea, however, there was concern that this was not the only prowler and that there may be more than one. Residents were encouraged to report any suspicious behaviour to police and stay vigilant.
7. Playing Field and Shared Community Facilities –
a) Formation of Playing Field Committee – Chair welcomed Mr Emery to the meeting. Mr Emery expressed frustration that the committee had not yet been formally confirmed and was keen to move forward and set some objectives. Cllr C Allison reported that the Governors of Morton Trentside School had been approached to nominate a representative along with Horse and Jockey Football Club and Morton Cricket Club. Cllr C Allison explained that an informal meet up had been arranged with Lucille Middleton and Cllr Mander and it was thought that a group of no more than nine would form the constitution. Mr Emery was keen to confirm who the core group would consist of, and Cllr B Allison suggested that by the next meeting on 10 July Clerk would be able to confirm who these would be.
Cllr Parry requested that consideration be given to the goal posts being removed and put in storage for the summer. Cllr Butroid would clarify with the cricket club that these did not interfere with the boundary and clerk would action if necessary.
Mr Emery left the meeting at 7.25.
8. Burial Ground
a) Quotes for refurbishment work in cemetery – Cllr Gott and Clerk to liaise. Discussion took place regarding burial enquiries and people searching for family plots which proved time consuming and GDPR implications. Cllr Parry suggested that the council consider a standard proforma that could be completed with information from the family and a nominal administration fee. All in agreement. Clerk to action.
9. Planning
a) Planning applications received – Clerk reported that there had been no planning application received.
b) Kitty’s Field – No update, outcome awaited.
c) Lagoon – Cllr Youngman reported that activity had been relatively quiet at the lagoon. Cllr B Allison explained that although Morton was affected by the heavy agricultural vehicles that passed through on route to the lagoon the site fell within Blyton/Laughton Parish Council. He requested that the Council consider writing to enforcement at WLDC expressing our disappointment in the enforcement process and a copy of the letter would be sent to Blyton/Laughton Parish Council for information. All in agreement and item to be removed from agenda.
d) Neighbourhood Plan and New Central Lincolnshire Local Plan – Cllr B Allison had been in touch with the consultant who had been involved in the Morton Neighbourhood Plan and he confirmed that the plan remains valid until 2036. However, Cllr B Allison would cross reference the MNP against the CLLP and West Lindsey Plan and highlight any references that may need amendment to ensure that the village continues to be protected. Cllr Butroid offered to help if extra support was needed. Discussion took place regarding developing land into carbon sinks/peat lands and a potential windfarm at Laughton.
10. Village Environment
a) Warping Drain - Clerk reported that she had received email from Cllr Carless stating that this had their full attention, and an update would be received as soon as possible.
b) WLDC Dog Fouling Initiative – Dog fouling continued to be an issue around the village despite attempts to educate dog walkers on location and use of waste bins. Cllr C Allison explained that the trial of bag dispensers and what3word signs had limited success as empty bags were thrown around and the signs did not withstand the weather. Clerk to approach WLDC to enquire about possible signage and liaise with Cllr Ward who was the environment lead.
c) Grass Verge Cutting – Schedule distributed prior to meeting. Councillors to report to clerk if areas have been left uncut.
11. SID Sign
a) Review of new data – Cllr B Allison was now confident that the data extracted from the signs was consistent and trends were becoming apparent. He felt confident that this could be shared with parishioners through social media. Data would also be shared with Inspector Head. Cllr Parry explained that a substantial amount of traffic flow in and out of the village was potentially related to school drop off and pickups as pupils who reside outside of the village travel by car.
b) Archer Test in Front Street and Crooked Billet Street- Clerk to follow-up outstanding survey for Crooked Billet Street and Front Street with Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.
12. Tyler Trust
a) Feedback from meeting held on 16 May – Cllr Butroid gave an informative overview of the Tyler Trust, why it was established and how it benefits young people under the age of 21 who live in the Morton/Thonock area. Members of the Trust consider applications for grants from those in financial hardship. The Tyler Trust also provides financial support to Morton Trentside School.
13. Village Hall Representative – Cllr Youngman reported that a tea party had taken place recently with entertainment from the Bad Apple theatre company. Fundraising continues for the 2024 festival with numerous events planned.
14. Community Assets
a) Liability Insurance – Clerk advised that Zurich insurance had provided a comparable quote after BHIB and Aviva had been approached. Clerk had updated the assets accordingly. Cllr B Allison expressed concern regarding the possible Morton Festival and who would be responsible for liability insurance and risk assessments. Clerk to investigate.
b) Refurbishment of Parish Council Noticeboard – Cllr Gott to assess and arrange refurbishment in due course.
c) Bus Shelter – Cllr Gott to investigate possible alternatives to replace broken glass.
15. Councillors Updates
a) A sink hole had appeared near the junction of Mill Lane/Granary Close.
b) Cllr Panter informed the Council that he had decided to resign as a Parish Councillor due to other commitments. Clerk to inform WLDC accordingly.
16. Items for Inclusion on next agenda
a) Rewilding/wild flower meadow Field Lane – Cllr Butroid
b) Burial Fees - Clerk
17. Date and Time of Next Meeting – Monday 10th July at 6.30pm to be held in the Community Room. Apologies were given in advance for Cllr Youngman and C. Graves (clerk). Miss S Lightfoot to cover minute taking.
The meeting closed at 8.50 pm.