September 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 11th September 2023, at 6:30pm in the Community Room at Morton Trentside School
15-minute public forum – no members of the public in attendance.
In Attendance - Cllr B Allison, Cllr C Allison, Cllr J Butoid, Cllr Gott, Cllr Rollings, Cllr Clews, Cllr Carless, P.Lightfoot, C.Graves (clerk)
1. Apologies For Absence – Cllr Youngman, Cllr Parry, Cllr Ward – apologies noted and accepted. Cllr Mander - No apologies received.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 10th July 2023 - Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr C Allison. Seconded by Cllr Butroid.
3. Declarations of Interest – Cllr Butroid, 54 Field Lane (9b)
4. Councillor Vacancy – Councillors considered the application from Mrs Penny Lightfoot. Proposed by Cllr Butroid. Seconded Cllr C Allison. All in agreement, it was therefore resolved that Mrs Lightfoot be co-opted to the Council. Acceptance of office was signed and Clerk to inform WLDC.
It was agreed that a certificate to acknowledge Cllr Panter’s service to the Parish Council be presented to him. Clerk to action.
5. Accounts – Distributed prior to meeting. No questions. Proposed Cllr C Allison. Seconded Cllr Butroid.
a) VAT rebate – Clerk confirmed that a VAT rebate of £4,542.56 had been received for the period January 2021 to March 2023.
b) AGAR, request for additional information from PKF – Clerk informed the council that variances above 15% were omitted from the original submission and the new bus shelter was not correctly identified as a fixed asset. Clerk actioned and submitted additional information as requested.
6. Community Safety (Crime, Vandalism, Anti-Social Behaviour & Speeding)
a) SID date – Cllr B Allison distributed data collected from SID1 and SID2 between 1 July and 31 August. Discussion took place on the accuracy of the recent Archer survey results as this did not record any high speeds so no comparative analysis could be conducted with the historical data, thus leading to misleading information. The makes it extremely difficult to highlight dangerous speeds on our roads and make a case for safer crossings and other interventions. Following recent road traffic collisions at the junction of Morton Road, Blyton Road, Little Belt and Front Street concern was raised that this major junction had not had any improvements in many years. Additional new housing developments would only impact on the volume of vehicles travelling through the village. Cllr Rollings suggested that councillors consider backing the 20’s plenty campaign which has been rolled out in some areas, however, some councillors had reservations regarding implementation, costs, and enforcement of the scheme. Cllr B Allison to contact other parishes and enquire if they recently had any speed tests carried out and how their data compared.
b) Results from Archer test in Front Street and Crooked Billet Street – see above.
c) New crime reports – Quad bikes around the village and riverbank continue. Residents are encouraged to continue to report any antisocial behaviour through the correct channels.
7. Playing Field & Shared Community Facilities
a) Formation of Playing Field Committee – Cllr C Allison confirmed that the first meeting would take place on Monday 25 September.
b) Hot water supply – Clerk to liaise with the school regarding the water heater and whether the costs could be shared or possibly covered on the insurance.
c) Liability Insurance – Clerk to give an update by the next meeting and liaise with Lea Parish Council following their recent anniversary festival.
8. Burial Ground
a) To consider quotes received for refurbishment work – quotes from Hemswell Surfacing and East Cost Surfacing shared with councillors prior to meeting for consideration. Hemswell Surfacing was the preferred quote. Proposed Cllr Gott. Seconded Cllr B Allison. All in agreement. Cllr Butroid and Clerk to attend a funding drop-in session on 18 September hosted by WLDC for advice on funding options.
b) Grass cutting complaint received via social media – Clerk reported that no contact had been made with her following the complaint. Cllr Youngman had reported on a recent visit that the grass cutting was unsightly, and Cllr B Allison agreed following a recent visit. It was agreed that the situation be monitored closely, and concerns raised with Continental Landscapes.
c) Unauthorised extension of cremation plots with borders/edging/shrubbery – Photos circulated prior to meeting. Discussion took place regarding plots that had been extended with borders, kerbing, and permanent shrubbery. Following complaints to the clerk and as the regulations of the cemetery clearly state the cremation plot size and what is an acceptable memorial it was agreed that the clerk draft a letter to politely request that memorials only fall within the dimensions of the plot purchased. Clerk to update at next meeting.
d) Ratify reviewed fees/conditions – Circulated prior to meeting. Proposed Cllr Lightfoot. Seconded Cllr C Allison. All in agreement and new fees ratified.
9. Planning
a) New planning applications – none received.
b) 54 Field Lane (Kitty’s Field) - no update.
c) Lagoon enforcement update – Cllr B Allison requested councillors consider removal of this item from the agenda as the lagoon fell within the remit of Blyton/Laughton Parish Council. All in agreement. Any further complaints regarding the lagoon should be directed to enforcement at WLDC or Blyton Parish Council.
d) Neighbourhood plan and new central Lincolnshire local plan – Cllr B Allison reported that work continues to cross reference the plans.
10. Village Environment
a) Warping drain – Cllr Rollings who is member of the Internal Drainage Board gave an overview of the warping drain history and works to date to ensure that these water courses are kept clear for adequate drainage. Historically it has been difficult to ascertain who is responsible for the warping drain and in the past agencies including the Environmental Agency, Internal Drainage Board and landowners have been involved. Cllr Butroid had concerns that she had received reports that the drain continues to be blocked despite efforts. Cllr Rollings would make enquiries with the Internal Drainage Board regarding any surveys that had been carried out in the past. Cllr B Allison requested that councillors consider removing this item from the agenda as it was not the responsibility of the Parish Council. All in agreement. Any further concerns should be directed to District Councillor Rollings who could arrange for this to be put on the agenda of the Internal Drainage Board.
b) Re-wilding Field Lane – Cllr Butroid reported that she had done some research into rewilding and the different methods used to prepare the land. Adequate signage was important to explain what rewilding is and why the area may look uncared for during certain times of the year. Discussion took place on how much land should be set for rewilding and it was suggested that a smaller patch could be trialled. Cllr Butroid would explore funding options and feedback.
c) Fix my street – Report circulated by Cllr B Allison. Councillors were encouraged to report any issues via fix my street and not contact the clerk directly. Clerk had received an email complaint from a member of the public regarding the overhanging branches on Little Belt Road. Cllr C Allison had investigated, and these are outside the boundary of the cemetery. However, three road signs were obscured by the overgrowth. Clerk to report to Fix My Street.
d) Litter pick supplies - Clerk would liaise Simon Smoothey as and when the Parish Council required more supplies.
11. Tyler Trust – Cllr Butroid gave a brief update. The house belonging to the Tyler Trust on Front Street had recently had some refurbishment work and was now rented out. The Trustees were looking to update accounts to internet banking.
12. Village Hall Representative – Email update circulated by Cllr Youngman prior to the meeting.
13. Community Assets
a) Refurbishment of noticeboard – Clerk to arrange refurbishment. At the present time Cllr Gott does not have the capacity to take this on.
14. Councillor Updates – Cllr Carless gave an update on RAF Scampton and reported that the recent meeting at the Civic Centre was well attended. WLDC had served a temporary stop notice to halt all work carried out. Cllr Rollings reported that along with Scampton other topics being discussed were the solar farms, fusion site and levelling up funding for the town centre.
Cllr B Allison reported that the clerk and himself had attended the LALC summer conference on 19 July.
15. Items for Inclusion on next Agenda
a) Liability Insurance
b) Funding update
c) Cremation plots
16. Date and time of Next Meeting – Monday 9th October at 6:30 to be held at Community Room, Morton Trentside School.
Meeting closed at 8.20 pm.