December 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 9th December 2024, at 6:30pm in the Community Room at Morton Trentside School

15-minute public forum – no members of public in attendance.

Chairman, Cllr B Allison welcomed all to the meeting.
In Attendance - Cllr B Allison, Cllr Butroid, Cllr C Allison, Cllr King, Cllr Field, C Graves (clerk).

1.    Apologies for Absence – Cllr Parry, Cllr Tomkins, apologies accepted.

2.    Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 11th November 2024 – Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr King.  Seconded by Cllr Butroid. 

3.    Declarations of Interest – none.

4.    Councillor Vacancies - Cllr B Allison informed the council that since the last meeting the resignation of Cllr Gott had had been received. Clerk acknowledged this resignation and thanked him for the time served on the council. Clerk to inform WLDC electoral registration department.

5.    Accounts – Monthly financial statement distributed prior to meeting. No questions. Proposed Cllr C Allison. Seconded Cllr J Butroid.

6.    Community Safety (Crime, Vandalism, Anti-Social Behaviour & Speeding)
a)    New Crime Reports – Council were aware of a recent bale fire at Williamsons farm which would appear to have been deliberate.  A brief discussion took place on a recent social media post regarding a possible crossing down Walkerith Road. A reply had been posted, however, as the school already had a crossing patrol person it was unlikely that this would be an option but the council would be happy to provide any SID data if a case was to be proposed and supported by the school. Cllr B Allison reported that on average 200,000 vehicles a month pass the Co-op on Front Street. 
7.    Playing Field & Shared Committee  
a)    Morton Community Field Proposals - Cllr B Allison shared a timeline of expenditure dating back to March 1979, including loans and grants, that Cllr Butroid and himself had put together from accounts and minutes.  This detailed financial contributions the council had made towards the playing field and community facilities. Discussion took place regarding the 99 year lease that was attached to the community facilities and how this would affect any proposals by LCC.   Cllr Field offered to look further into this and all agreed that this item would be put on the agenda for the meeting in January prior to submitting a response to LCC.
b)    Rubbish Removal - deferred to next agenda, to be incorporated into next Litter Pick.

8.    Burial Ground
a)    Burial Records - no update, ongoing. 
b)    Grounds maintenance - Cllr B Allison thanked Cllr Butroid for her efforts in arranging for the bricked lock-up to be cleared and a new lock had now been fitted and the area around the noticeboard strimmed. A breakdown of grounds maintenance costs were distributed by clerk prior to the meeting and it was discussed whether the monthly cost of litter picking could be managed in-house and included in the councils litter picks.  It was proposed by Cllr C Allison that notice be given for litter picking at the cemetery.  Seconded by Cllr King.  However, this would be monitored regularly and the cemetery would now be included on the litter pick route.  Clerk to action.  Clerk advised that LCC highways had once again reached out to request that a financial contribution be made towards cutting-back and clearing the dyke.   Concerns were raised by Cllr B Allison that this fell within the remit of highways and not the parish.  Clerk had requested that any requests be formally put in writing.

9.    Planning Matters
a)    WL/2024/00975 - planning application to provide sleeping accommodation within existing annex. The Old Vicarage, Front Street, Morton, DN21 3AA - no comments.  Clerk to action.
b)    Important Open Space, Field Lane - Cllr Butroid reported that the culvert had recently been cleared of debris and according to the representative of the drainage board, water was flowing adequately.  The legal aspect of the important open space was ongoing and this would be follow-up in the new year.   Concerns were raised by councillors that the area was being used as a turning point for vehicles and parking, causing damage to the ground.

10.    Village Environment
a)    Fix My Street – No new reports. Clerk advised that the cones on Front Street had been cleared away.

11.    Tyler Trust – Cllr Butroid advised that the next meeting of the Tyler Trust was March 2025.

12.    Village Hall Representative – Cllr C Allison shared her disappointment that she was not notified of the meeting dates, as these are not set for the year.   Clerk would contact Village Hall and ask for dates of meetings and copies of the minutes, so they were able to send a representative.

13.    Community Assets – Clerk advised that Mr N Tinker had kindly replaced the broken glass in the bus shelter with heavy duty perspex and  this was much appreciated.  Due to the resignation of Cllr Gott, a new community assets representative was needed.  Cllr B Allison proposed that Cllr King be nominated for this role.  Seconded by Cllr Butroid.  All in agreement.  Cllr King was happy to accept and it was therefore resolved that Cllr King be Community Assets Representative.  Clerk to liaise with Cllr King on the councils assets.

14.    Policy Review - Draft Record Retention Policy circulated prior to meeting.   Deferred to next meeting for adoption and clerk to liaise with WLDC regarding possible storage options and other local clerks.

15.    Councillor Updates – Cllr C Allison was pleased to inform the council that following her recent table top sale she had purchased 20 large display poppies suitable for displaying on lampposts.  She had also knitted numerous poppies, which could be used for a display to commemorate the 80th anniversary of VJ day in August 2025. Cllr Butroid offered to knit and Cllr Field suggested that a social media post be put out asking for willing knitters.

16.    Items for Inclusion on next Agenda 
a)    Document retention and storage policy
b)    Response to LCC, Morton Community Playing Field and facilities
c)    Litter Pick Dates 2025

17.    Date and time of Next Meeting – Monday 13th January 2025 at 6:30 to be held at Community Room, Morton Trentside School.  

Meeting closed at 7.47 pm.