May 2024 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 13th May 2024, Community Room, Morton Trentside School.
15 minutes public forum – No members of the public in attendance.
In Attendance - Cllr B Allison, Cllr Butroid, Cllr Parry, Cllr C Allison, Cllr Gott, Cllr Youngman, Cllr Lightfoot, Cllr King, C Graves (Clerk)
1. Election of Chairman for the Ensuing Year – Clerk informed Council that she had received two nominations for Cllr B Allison for the position of Chairman. No other nominations received. Proposed by Cllr King. Seconded by Cllr Lightfoot. It was resolved that Cllr B Allison be elected Chairman for the ensuing year.
2. Apologies For Absence – Cllr Rollings, Cllr Carless, Cllr Clews. Cllr Ward (no apologies received).
3. Election of Vice-Chair for the Ensuing Year – Clerk informed Council that she had received two nominations for Cllr Butroid for the position of Vice-Chair. No other nominations received. Proposed Cllr C Allison. Seconded Cllr Youngman. It was resolved that Cllr Butroid be elected Vice-Chair for the ensuing year.
4. Election of Village Hall Representative – Cllr C Allison expressed an interest in Village Hall Representative as she wished to have experience in each role to get a wider understanding of the village groups. Proposed Cllr C Allison. Seconded Cllr Butroid. It was resolved that Cllr C Allison be elected Village Hall representative for the ensuing year. Chairman thanked Cllr Youngman for her reports throughout the year.
5. Election of Tyler Trust Charity Trustee – Cllr Butroid was nominated by Cllr Gott. Seconded by Cllr King. It was resolved that Cllr Butroid be elected Tyler Trust Charity Trustee for the ensuing year.
6. Environmental Representative – Cllr Lightfoot was nominated by Cllr B Allison. Seconded Cllr Butroid. It was resolved that Cllr Lightfoot be elected as Environmental Representative for the ensuing year.
7. Community Assets Representative – Cllr Gott was nominated by Cllr C Allison. Seconded Cllr Lightfoot. It was resolved that Cllr Gott be elected as Community Assets Register for the ensuing year.
8. Playing Field Representative – Cllr B Allison was nominated by Cllr C Allison. Seconded by Cllr King. It was resolved that Cllr B Allison be elected as Playing Field Representative for the ensuing year.
9. Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th April 2024 - Approved by all Parish Councillors. Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr Gott. Seconded by Cllr Butroid.
10. Declarations of Interest – no declarations of interest received.
11. Accounts – Distributed prior to meeting. No questions. Proposed Cllr Butroid. Seconded Cllr Gott.
12. Community Safety (Crime, Vandalism, Antisocial Behaviour and Speeding) – No recent police update. Cllr B Allison advised that now the Police Crime Commissioner elections were over, the re-engagement with Lincolnshire Police would once again be established and links with the local beat manager. Cllr Gott reported that a horse chestnut tree had been deliberately vandalised in the village, although this did not have a TPO against it.
13. Playing Field and Shared Community Facilities.
a) Morton Community Playing Field Committee - Cllr B Allison reported that he had attended the last meeting of the committee and discussion took place regarding the multi-use games area. It was felt by members of the Committee rather than removing the damaged fencing it would be more beneficial to have it repaired and ensure that the area is kept tidy, weed free, and safe to use, as it was understood that the area is still utilised. Cllr King had sought a quote for the removal and disposal of the damaged perimeter fence at a cost of £2,500. Cllr Gott would investigate the cost implications of alternative replacement fencing, and Cllr B Allison would speak with Mr Tinker who was present at the meeting and had some suggestions.
b) Feastival 13th July – It was proposed by Cllr B Allison that five gift cards of £50 each be purchased as raffle prizes. Seconded Cllr Gott. All in agreement. Clerk to purchase. Further discussion on the access to the community room on the day was discussed following a request from the Feastival Committee for changing facilities and a water supply. After careful consideration and assurances from the Committee it was agreed by all that access would be granted for the period 2pm-6pm for the dancers to get changed and water supply for making refreshments. It would be made clear that under no circumstances should the electric supply be abused, and the Council would require a representative from the Committee to be responsible for managing access and appropriate cleaning after the event. Clerk to inform school and draft contract to be drawn up.
Discussion took place regarding the possible purchase of Harris fencing to deter entry to the field from the bank where the fencing had been compromised allowing bikes to gain entry. Cllr Gott to look into this. Consideration was given to a lockable container where sand could be stored to use for filling in any rabbit holes and clerk would follow-up with C Storey regarding the rabbit situation.
14. Burial Ground – Following a request from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission councillors considered the request to erect a sign to inform visitors that there is a WW2 war grave situated there. Proposed Cllr Gott. Seconded Cllr Parry. All in agreement. Clerk to action. Cllr Butroid suggested that it may be useful to have appropriate signage to highlight to grave owners the rules and regulations on what is acceptable for memorials and keeping within the boundaries of plot size. Cllr B Allison was planning on spending some time with the clerk to go through the burial records and letters to plot owners on unauthorised extension of plots was ongoing, as was carriageway repairs. Cllr B Allison was keen to move forward with this. Cllr Lightfoot suggested that a tap that automatically switched off may be a solution to the problems experienced in the past with the water being left on. Clerk to investigate options.
15. Planning Matters – no planning applications received for the period. Cllr Parry enquired if the sale of Morton House came with the additional planning for several houses on the land. Cllr Butroid believed that this planning application had now ceased and did not include the additional land.
16. Village Environment
a) Common Land Field Lane – Clerk advised that following the application, additional supporting information and evidence was needed to move forward with the application further. Ongoing.
b) Fix My Street – Report for May 2024 distributed by Cllr B Allison and noted.
17. Tyler Trust – Cllr Butroid advised that the next meeting of the Tyler Trust would take place in July. An advertisement had been placed in Gainsborough Life magazine explaining how to apply to the Trust for funding.
18. Village Hall – Cllr Youngman requested that Cllr C Allison read the latest Village Hall Report, as the new Village Hall Representative. In summary – TPA cabaret evenings well attended. An agreement had now been set out to allow food traders to set up in the carpark. Art Group have new equipment which allows a better visual and auditory experience. 28th November marks the 60th anniversary of the first village hall being on the site and lots of activities are planned. A plaque had been unearthed which was donated by the Gleadell family in 1984. Accounts can be viewed on the Charity Commission for England and Wales website. Next meeting will be held on 29th May.
19. Community Assets – Cllr Gott reported that inspection of the Bus Shelter revealed only a few minor scratches on the woodwork of the seat. There were no plans to replace the glass at the present time, however, this would continue to be reviewed. The noticeboard refurbishment would be carried in the summer.
20. Meeting Dates 2024/25 – Cllr B Allison proposed that the meetings continue to be the second Monday of each month with no meeting scheduled for August. Seconded Cllr Gott. Clerk to distribute and advertise dates accordingly.
21. Councillors Updates -
22. Item for Inclusion on the next Agenda
a) Calendar of policy reviews
b) Internal Audit and Annual Governance Accountability Return
23. Date and Time of Next Meeting – Monday 10th June 2024 at 6.30pm, Community Room.
The meeting closed at 8.18 pm.