November 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 11th November 2024, at 6:30pm in the Community Room at Morton Trentside School
15-minute public forum – Mrs and Mrs Middleton in attendance and Mr R Tomkins.
Chairman, Cllr B Allison welcomed all to the meeting. Mr and Mrs Middleton expressed their concern over the lack of maintenance to the walkway from the playing field to the bank (through the gate). Although there had never been a hardcore path, the area had become overgrown with nettles and foliage making entry to and from the field difficult for adults and children. Cllr B Allison explained that the clerk had taken some photos recently and the area looked quite clear, compared to earlier in the summer and she had spoken with some teenagers who were using the pathway. She had received one other complaint in writing along with the concerns of Mr and Mrs Middleton. However, the council appreciated that the path was in use and they would investigate further and seek a quote for cutting back. Mrs and Mrs Middleton left the meeting.
In Attendance - Cllr B Allison, Cllr Parry, Cllr C Allison, Cllr Butroid, Cllr King, Cllr Gott, Cllr Field, C Graves (clerk).
1. Apologies For Absence – no apologies for absence received.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 14th October 2024 – Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr C Allison. Seconded by Cllr Butroid.
3. Declarations of Interest – none.
Cllr Parry requested that the council consider moving item 15, Councillor Vacancies, to the next agenda item. No objections.
4. Councillor Vacancies - An expression of interest had been received from Mr Richard Tomkins. Dik was welcomed to the meeting and it was proposed by Cllr King that Dik be co-opted to the council. Seconded by Cllr Gott. All in agreement, and it was therefore resolved that Mr Richard Tomkins be co-opted. Acceptance of office and receipt of Code of Conduct were signed. Clerk to inform WLDC.
5. Clerk’s Salary - Council resolved to exclude the public and press and go into closed session, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to allow consideration to be given to the Clerk’s salary. It was resolved to award the Clerk with a salary increase of 3.8% with effect from the next pay date. Proposed Cllr Parry. Seconded Cllr Tomkins. Chairman expressed thanks to the clerk for her service and would provide written confirmation of pay award.
6. Accounts – Monthly financial statement distributed prior to meeting. Proposed Cllr C Allison. Seconded Cllr J Butroid. Discussion took place regarding the more substantial outgoings, ie grass cutting and line marking. Cllr Tomkins asked for clarification and clerk explained that the burial ground grass cutting was for one cut only. The line marking was for the initial preparation work carried out and subsequent over marks. Cllr Field asked whether it would be beneficial to enquire with Blyton FC who they use. Clerk to make enquiries.
a) Annual Budget Statement - Following discussions at the previous meeting, Chairman presented and distributed the annual budget statement prior to considering the precept estimate. This was an opportunity to look at future spending, consider potential ring fencing and ensure the council have adequate reserves (12 months). In summary projections indicate no substantial increase in spending, however, the council should continue to ensure that it receives value for money from its assets and a review of burial and playing field fees would be considered in the new year. Clerk would also look at the bank accounts to maximise interest.
b) Precept Estimate 2025/26 - taking into careful consideration the data provided in the annual budget statement an increase of 2.7% was proposed by Cllr Tomkins. Seconded by Cllr C Allison. All in agreement. It was therefore resolved that the precept estimate for 2025/26 would be submitted at £16,409.41. Clerk to action.
7. Community Safety (Crime, Vandalism, Anti-Social Behaviour & Speeding)
a) New Crime Reports – Monthly NC01 area report provided by Lincolnshire Police circulated prior to meeting by clerk.
8. Playing Field & Shared Committee
a) Morton Community Field Proposals - Cllr Butroid advised that all the financial data had now been extracted from the historical minutes and accounts and now been passed to Cllr B Allison to collate and present at the next meeting. Cllr B Allison reported that a comprehensive report had been provided by Morton Cricket Club as requested. Clerk would circulate the initial email from LCC outlining the proposal to those who had not received a copy.
b) Morton Community Field Committee - Following the last litter pick it was highlighted that a secure area behind the garage was in need of clearing of rubbish. Cllr C Allison suggested a working party come together for a few hours to clear the area and clerk would approach Gainsborough Skip Hire for a small skip.
c) Gainsborough and Morton 10k November 2025 - Clerk advised that she had been approached by RunThrough Events, who wished to hire the playing field for the event. Discussion took place and it was felt that this was a more suitable venue than Field Lane. They would provide toilets and clear up following the run. Taking into consideration that the field would not be available for football on that day it was proposed by Cllr C Allison that a fee of £250 be charged for this. Seconded by Cllr Butroid. All in agreement. Clerk to liaise with RunThrough Events.
9. Burial Ground - Clerk had sumitted an application to the Woodland Trust for 105 saplings under the category wild-wood. It was hoped that these could be planted along the border between the burial ground and Blyton Road.
a) Burial Records -Clerk informed the council that she had arranged a meeting with T. Morris this week to discuss updating the burial record database. It was previously agreed that a small remuneration would be offered for his time.
b) Noticeboard - Clerk advised that this was now in place.
10. Planning Matters
a) WL/2024/00836 - planning applications for rear extension and remodel, 7 Walkerith Road, Morton, DN21 3DA. No comments.
b) Important Open Space, Field Lane - ongoing
11. Village Environment
a) Fix My Street – Cllr B Allison circulated the report for November. The damaged footpath on Cross Street had been addressed. Clerk to contact highways regarding the cones on Morton Front.
12. Tyler Trust – Cllr Butroid advised that no recent applications had been received. The next meeting was scheduled for the new year.
13. Village Hall Representative – no update. Cllr C Allison would attend the next meeting.
14. Community Assets – Clerk to add burial ground noticeboard to asset register. Cllr B Allison advised that a parishioner had offered to replace the glass in the bus shelter. Cllr B Allison to follow-up.
15. Policy Review - Cllr B Allison and clerk were currently looking at the retention and storage of documents policy. Clerk to liaise Town Council and WLDC regarding their arrangements for storage as currently all documentation is stored at clerks home.
16. Councillor Updates – Cllr Field asked if the council could give consideration to the purchase of decorative poppies to be attached to lamp-posts in the village for next years remembrance. Agenda item for next meeting.
17. Items for Inclusion on next Agenda
a) Document retention and storage policy
b) Remembrance poppies
c) Financial contributions, playing field
18. Date and time of Next Meeting – Monday 9th December 2024 at 6:30 to be held at Community Room, Morton Trentside School.
Meeting closed at 8.05 pm.