April 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 8th April 2024, at 6:30pm in the Community Room at Morton Trentside School
15-minute public forum – Henry Collins attended regarding game keeping on the community field. Agreed with MPC, Risk assessment, references and insurance to be forwarded to MPC - no other members of the public in attendance.
Chairman, Cllr B Allison welcomed all to the meeting.
In Attendance - Cllr B Allison, Cllr Parry, Cllr C Allison, Cllr Youngman, Cllr Butroid, Cllr Lightfoot, Cllr Gott, Cllr King, S Lightfoot (Standing in for the clerk).
1. Apologies For Absence – C.Graves (clerk), Cllr Ward, Cllrs Rollings, Clews and Carless – apologies noted and accepted.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 11th March 2024 – The minutes were proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr C Allison. Seconded Cllr C Parry.
3. Declarations of Interest – Cllr Butriod 8b. No other declarations of interest noted.
4. Accounts – Distributed prior to meeting. No further questions. Accounts agreed Cllr C Allison. Seconded Cllr P Lightfoot. Agreed to appoint Internal Auditor to audit accounts 2023/24. Proposed Cllr Lightfoot. Seconded Cllr Butriod.
5. Community Safety (Crime, Vandalism, Anti-Social Behaviour & Speeding)
a) Cllr B Allison had been looking into Speed road safety initiatives system operated in Blyton, but this relies on members of the public checking for speeders. Funds are still accessible for initiatives. SID data reviewed and showed a slight increase in traffic through the village attributed to the closure of Blyton road and also the main Trent bridge.
b) New Crime Reports – no update. Cllr Youngman noted that some cannabis plants had been dumped down Carr Lane.
c) Cllr B Allison advised that he had contact with the PCC’s office following the zoom meeting that was held regarding the speeding problem and he would follow-up on conversations about this once the PCC election was over.
6. Playing Field & Shared Committee
a) Noted that school are still using the community room areas and that the changing room facilities are unable to be used as they are filled with stored items and these are needed by Cricket Club. Clerk to contact the school. It was noted that the fence around the court was damaged and either needed to be taken down or repaired. Cllr King to arrange for a quote.
b) Morton Feastival Committee asked for permission for overnight security for the feastival tents MPC agreed. Additionally, the committee requested permission for Donkey rides which was agreed as long as all waste was removed. Cllr Butroid to check with the Cricket Club to see if any games are scheduled for the Sunday. Committee agreed that a donation for raffle prizes to the value of £250 be given. Cllr King proposed. Cllr Parry seconded.
7. Burial Ground
a) Carriageway repairs - No update.
b) Cllr Allison informed the council that moving forward with the correspondence to grave owners of the cremation plots was proving difficult as addresses not held in council records. Cllr Allison and Clerk going through records to locate details.
8. Planning
a) No new planning applications received.
b) 54 Field Lane (Kitty’s Field) - No update.
c) Important Open Space, Field Lane – Clerk still following this up and will advise at the next meeting.
9. Village Environment - The Village litter pick was held on Saturday and was very successful, 12 attended.
a) Re-wilding Field Lane – on hold, no update. Sink hole still cordened off as been half completed.
b) Fix My Street – April report circulated by Cllr B Allison and informed that the pot holes detailed had been mended but had gone again.
10. Tyler Trust – no update, awaiting next meeting.
11. Village Hall Representative – Cllr Youngman no update, next meeting on Wednesday and will give update at the next meeting.
12. Community Assets – to be completed by Cllr Gott. Cllr Gott to check the bus seat and bus shelter and update.
13. Archive and safe storage of historial documents - Clerk has been in contact with Gainsborough Historial Society regarding storing MPC documents. Agreed that MPC documents be assessed by the society Councillor. Proposed Cllr Gott. Seconded Cllr Butroid.
14. Councillor Updates - Cllr Allison informed the MPC that he would be carrying out Clerks performance review. It was noted that the footpath on Dog and Duck was difficult to pass due to traffic parking on the public footpath.
15. Items for Inclusion on next Agenda
16. Date and time of Next Meeting –Monday 13th May 2024 at 6:30 to be held at Community Room, Morton Trentside School.
Meeting closed at 7.35pm.