February 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 12th February 2024, at 6:30pm in the Community Room at Morton Trentside School
15-minute public forum – no members of the public in attendance.
Vice-Chair Cllr Butroid welcomed all to the meeting and Clerk introduced Brooke Fairhurst, work experience student.
In Attendance - Cllr Butroid (Chair for meeting), Cllr Parry, Cllr C Allison, Cllr Youngman, Cllr Gott, Cllr King, Cllr Ward, C.Graves (clerk), B. Fairhurst.
1. Apologies For Absence – Cllr B Allison, Cllr Lightfoot, Cllr Carless, Cllr Clews – apologies noted and accepted.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 8th January 2023 - Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr C. Allison. Seconded Cllr Parry.
3. Declarations of Interest – Cllr Butroid, 54 Field Lane (8b).
4. Accounts – Distributed prior to meeting. Cllr C Allison enquired about the contract for general grounds maintenance and costs involved. Clerk advised that P.C. Garden Maintenance currently took care of litter picking (£10/hour) and general pruning (£16/hour). This was a rolling contract and overall value for money. Clerk informed the council that she had approached Glendale Services regarding the grass cutting and was awaiting a quote. No further questions. Proposed Cllr Gott. Seconded Cllr King.
5. Community Safety (Crime, Vandalism, Anti-Social Behaviour & Speeding)
a) SID Data – Cllr C Allison distributed SID Data Report for the period 1st October – 31st January. Cllr Parry was interested to note that data collated from SID1 (Front Street) showed a high volume of traffic did not travel all the way through the village, however, used Front Street to cut down Ropery Road to either travel into town or over Trent Bridge. Data from SID2 (Walkerith Road) confirmed that whilst traffic continued to travel at higher speeds this was significantly lower than previously recorded. There was a small increase in percentage of violations in January but overall, the amount of daily traffic and excessive speeds remain broadly the same.
b) Parish Council Engagement Session on Road Safety 20th February – Following the previous session on 14th December, it was agreed that Cllr B Allison would attend the online meeting and feedback at the next meeting. Clerk to confirm with Chairman.
c) New Crime Reports – Cllr Gott reported continued issues with motorbikes riding carelessly around the streets including Field Lane and generally causing a nuisance. Discussion took place regarding frustrations highlighted by residents in reporting antisocial behaviour, whether this be through the telephone 101 or online and Cllr Parry said that it was disappointing that communication with the local police continued to be poor despite assurances by the police that it was quick and simple to report issues. He went onto say that the council must continue to highlight the problems in reporting and subsequent follow-up with the police. Cllr C Allison highlighted that people should be encouraged to continue to keep reporting issues and if unsuccessful getting through on the first attempt persevere. It was imported that all issues are logged by the police so that a true picture of antisocial behaviour in the village is recorded.
6. Playing Field & Shared Community Facilities
a) Playing Field Committee – Notes of the meeting held on Monday 15th January circulated prior to meeting. These included things that could be done quickly to enhance the field, ie. new and revised signage, allowing cycling on the field so children have a safe area to ride their bikes, picnic benches, litter bins and improvements to the multi-use games area to name a few. The rabbit holes continued to be an issue. Clerk advised that she had been contacted by an individual who was interested in helping with this problem. It was suggested that he be invited to the next meeting to discuss further. Clerk to action. Cllr Parry asked the council to consider allowing the Playing Field Committee a set amount of money so they can start making small improvements and the consensus was that this would be a good way forward. Clerk to put on agenda for next parish council meeting.
b) Morton Feastival 13th July 2024 – Clerk advised that she now had written confirmation from the insurers that the organisation responsible for the event would need to obtain insurance independently to cover the event. They would also require risk assessments to be carried out on the land, as the land was covered by the Parish Council’s liability insurance. The next meeting would be held on Thursday 22nd February and the Chairman would be in attendance. Cllr King suggested that the Council consider a donation towards the Feastival as this was a community event. Clerk to put on the agenda for the next meeting.
c) Revised Hire Fees – Fees for the 2024/25 season agreed at the meeting on 11th December and new table of charges circulated prior to meeting. Clerk suggested that council consider a general hire fee and following discussion it was proposed by Cllr C Allison that a £30.00 fee should be set for general hire. Seconded by Cllr Youngman. However, the Clerk would be able to use her own discretion depending on the reason and length of hire. All in agreement.
7. Burial Ground
a) Grass Cutting Contract – Cllr C Allison asked if the clerk had been in contact with LCC regarding the drainage and boundary fence, following discussions at the last meeting. Clerk to action. A quote from Glendale Services for grass cutting services would be shared before the next meeting.
b) Carriageway Refurbishment Update – Clerk advised that she had received some feedback following recent correspondence on carriageway improvements and donations. Ongoing.
8. Planning
a) No new planning applications received.
Committee Notification Planning Application PL/0069/23, Gainsborough Skip Hire (12.02.24) – Granted.
b) 54 Field Lane (Kitty’s Field) - No update. Residents continue to correspond with WLDC Planning regarding the caravan and portacabins in situ.
c) Important Open Space, Field Lane – Cllr Butroid updated the council on her findings through the land registry. This identified those properties that had applied and extended their gardens. It also stated that any extension of plots should not obstruct culverts or drains. Cllr Butroid advised that the council apply to register this as common land, as records evidenced that the Parish Council had maintained this grassed area for many years. Proposed by Cllr C Allison. Seconded by Cllr Gott. It was also agreed that should the process be successful letters should be sent to those properties backing onto Field Lane. Clerk to action.
9. Village Environment
a) Re-wilding Field Lane – Cllr Butroid informed the council that she was looking into a donation of seeds from Kew Gardens and signage. Clerk to follow-up Councillor Initiative Fund.
b) Fix My Street – February report circulated by Cllr C Allison and noted.
10. Tyler Trust – Cllr Butroid advised that a sum £500 had been gifted to the school to help towards the costs of books.
11. Village Hall Representative – Cllr Youngman was unable to attend the meeting on 31st January but was able to give a summary that had been provided by another committee member. This year would see this 60th anniversary of the village hall and plans were in place to mark the occasion. The floor would be having some refurbishment work carried out and the hall would be closed during this period in early March. New signage was planned for the car park to make people aware that they park at their own risk and the provision of food vendors using the car park was being looked into. Following the success of the panto last year a further one was planned for this Christmas. Cllr Butroid thanked Cllr Youngman for her report.
12. Community Assets – no update.
13. New Email Addresses Clerk and Chair – Following guidance from LALC and new external audit requirements it is now good practice to have a .gov email address for Parish Council correspondence. Clerk had previously shared quotes from companies recommended by LALC to arrange domain and email address. SCIS UK were approached to set up an account. Following concerns raised by Cllr Parry discussion took place on whether it was necessary to have two email accounts (clerk@morton-pc.gov.uk and chairman@morton-pc.gov.uk) and whether this would cause confusion with correspondence and issues with answering queries on behalf of the council. Cllr Parry reiterated that all enquiries should come through the clerk in the first instance who would cascade information to the rest of the council and following consultation reply on behalf of the Parish Council if necessary. Clerk felt that it was helpful to have a back-up if she should be incapacitated at any point. She reassured all that both accounts were transferable, and we can add or remove accounts at any time, also a second email address only cost a fraction more. This arrangement could be reviewed in the future. Cllr Parry’s reservations were taken into account, and it was suggested that the Clerk would draft a protocol of good email practice. Proposed Cllr C Allison. Seconded Cllr Parry. Clerk to action.
14. Councillor Updates – Cllr Butroid and Cllr C Allison raised concerns that following the recent flooding reports had been received that the developers of the new Horsley Road build had compromised the bank by pumping flood water from the development through the bank into the river. Although the estate was not situated in Morton any damage to the flood defence would have an impact on the village. Further investigation to be made. Cllr B Allison reiterated his expectation for the council to have a Flood Contingency Plan.
15. Items for Inclusion on next Agenda
a) Feastival donation
b) Playing Field Committee Budget
c) Burial Ground Grass Cutting Contract
d) Road Safety Parish Council Engagement Session Feedback
16. Date and time of Next Meeting – Monday 11th March 2024 at 6:30 to be held at Community Room, Morton Trentside School. Cllr Butroid and Cllr King gave apologies in advance.
Meeting closed at 8.00 pm.