January 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 7th January 2019 at 6.30pm.
15 minute public forum – Mr Vaughan Hughes, secretary of Gainsborough in Bloom was in attendance and gave a short presentation regarding plans for the flower beds at Morton corner and seeking volunteers from the community to get involved. Agreed - agenda item for next meeting.
In Attendance – Cllr Parry, Cllr Panter, Cllr Allison, Cllr Lightfoot, Cllr Bull, Cllr Butroid, Cllr Youngman, PCSO Thomas
1. Apologies for absence – None received
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 26th November 2018 – Approved by all Parish Councillors. Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr Panter. Seconded by Cllr Lightfoot. Master copy signed by Cllr Parry. Cllr Parry thanked Cllr Lightfoot on behalf of the Parish Council for standing in at short notice to take the minutes.
3. Declaration of Interests – None received.
4. Matters Arising and Review of Outstanding Items
(a) Crime, Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour –
PCSO Thomas reassured Councillors that the groups of children that were causing concern in the town centre were known to the police. Report of youths hanging around the bus shelter opposite Southlands playing music and drinking alcohol in December had been dealt with.
Cllr Allison asked for an update regarding reports of burglaries on Ropery Road and car keys being stolen. Arrests had been made.
(b) Councillor’s Updates – Issue of mud and damage to verges on Walkerith Road made by tractors and Pichon bowers continues. Also Whites Lorries becoming a problem blocking the road. Agreed that Clerk would send letter to company.
(c) SID Signage/Speed Watch Survey – PCSO Thomas gave an update on the speeding exercise carried out by police and pupils at Morton Trentside School. Cllr Allison and Cllr Butroid had completed assessments of possible suitable lampposts for installation of SIDs. Agreed - application for funding approval to be submitted as soon as possible by Clerk to WLDC.
(d) Bus Shelter on Walkerith Road – Clerk to follow-up with highways department and seek clarification who is responsible for the shelter.
(e) Residents letter Southlands – Clerk to draft a letter and liaise with Cllr Butroid regarding land and the drain away.
(f) Councillor vacancies – Clerk to attend Elections briefing session at WLDC on 25th February.
5. Neighbourhood Planning – Cllr Allison reported next meeting scheduled for Monday 14th January. Update to follow.
6. Accounts – No financial statement available as account information not yet available to Clerk. Clerk to contact The Co-Operative Bank to arrange change in signatories and update accounts for February meeting. Precept application complete. Clerk to submit to WLDC.
7. Burial Ground – No issues reported. Documentation to be updated by previous Clerk and handed over in due course.
8. Planning Matters – None to report.
9. Playing Field and School Facilities
(a) Resolution School Shared Agreement – Cllr Youngman recommended that further clarification was sought regarding the legalities of the agreement. Clerk to distribute agreement to Cllrs for feedback.
(b) General Update from Playing Field Association – Feedback from residents is that they would like to be able to use the playing field in the daytime. Discussion took place regarding fencing and how this would impact on the cricket pitch. Ongoing.
10. Items for inclusion on the next Agenda - Gainsborough in Bloom.
11. Date and Time of Next Meeting – Monday 4th February 2019 6.30pm.
Meeting closed at 8pm.