February 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 8 February 2021 at 6.30 pm held remotely via Zoom.
15 minute public forum - no members of the public in attendance and no correspondence received
In Attendance - Cllr Parry (Chair), Cllr Allison (Vice-Chair), Cllr Panter, Cllr Butroid, Cllr Youngman, Cllr Gott, Cllr Rollings, PCSO Thomas, C. Graves (Clerk)
1. Apologies For Absence - Cllr Ward, Cllr Snee, Cllr Clews
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 4 January 2021 - Approved by all Parish Councillors. Proposed Cllr Gott. Seconded Cllr Butroid.
3. Declarations of Interest - No declarations of interest noted.
4. Matter Arising and Review of Outstanding Items
a. Crime Vandalism and Antisocial Behaviour - Cllr Parry welcome PCSO Thomas to the meeting. PCSO Thomas informed the Council that in a recent breakdown of crime in West Lindsey (north) comparisons to other villages revealed that there had been 1 reported incident in Morton (covid breach) compared to 12 reported incidents in Scotter and 8 in Blyton with the majority being thefts from out buildings and gardens. There had been reports of antisocial behaviour in Laughton Wood and thefts from farms and hare coursing. PCSO Thomas advised that an online question and answers session was scheduled for Friday 26 February and this would be promoted through social media and a further newsletter would be available.
b. Councillors Update - Gllr Gott reported that he had had a positive experience using the Fix My Street App with regards to a substantial pothole on South Street. Cllr Parry gave an overview of a webinar that the Clerk and himself had joined regarding the upcoming Census 2021 presented by Rob Parker, Census Engagement Manager. Census day is 21 March and residents are being encouraged to complete online, however, paper copies are still available and there will also be a Census Field Team for support. More information can be obtained from www.census.gov.uk. Cllr Rollings updated the Council on the 20sPlenty Campaign. A Zoom presentation by Anna Semlyen, National Campaign Manager had been organised for Thursday 11 February, all welcome.
c. SID Signage - Email from Graeme Butler LRSP previously circulated. Due to the size and weight of a solar sign this would need to be mounted on a dedicated post (provided and installed by LRSP at an approximate cost of £200) and would need to be located on a grassed area. PCSO Thomas advised that the two hot spots for speeding were Front Street and Walkerith Road, which were the main two entrances/exits to the village. Discussion took place regarding location of second sign and it was proposed that Walkerith Road would be suitable. Cllr Allison enquired if the solar sign could be rotated. Clerk to liaise with Graeme Butler for further advice. Cllr Parry suggested that a more coordinated approach county wide by LCC regarding the purchase of speed signs would be helpful.
Cllr Rollings left the meeting at 7.13 pm.
d. Bus Shelter Walkerith Road - Observations from Steve Hudson, Highways Officer, previously circulated with the suggestion that the shelter be moved slightly and have narrower side panels to ensure that visibility is not obscured for resident when exiting driveway. Clerk had enquired with B Knight & Son and they do not have New Roads and Street Works Act Accreditation. Clerk to liaise directly with Steve Hudson to clarify a few issues and feedback to Council. Clerk to also approach Cllr Perraton-Williams to ask for advice.
5. Neighbourhood Plan - Cllr Allison advised that the clarification note issued by Examiner Andrew Ashcroft had been circulated accordingly to the Steering Committee and Parish Council for comments and input from Clive Keeble. Comments to be received by Andrew by 16 February. No objections received from Parish Council. Proposed Cllr Gott. Seconded Cllr Butroid. Agreed by all.
6. Accounts - No questions. Proposed Cllr Gott. Seconded Cllr Butroid. Agreed by all.
7. Burial Ground
a. Consider current fees, terms, and conditions - Cemetery fees for other local parishes for comparison had previously been circulated by Clerk. Discussion took place regarding the £100 fee for removal of headstone for renovation work and it was proposed that the wording be changed to clarify. It was agreed that this should read "To remove and replace with new headstone" and the fee would remain at £100. Additional inscription would remain free and all fees to remain static. Proposed Cllr Youngman. Seconded Cllr Gott. All agreed. Clerk to update fees and conditions. Review February 2022. Cllr Gott had noted some subsidence affecting some plots at the cemetery. Cllr Parry to investigate and feedback.
8. Planning Matters - No planning applications received
Kitty's bungalow/field resubmitted to auction with agricultural clause included. Possible development land rear of Walkerith Road adjacent to Nursery Vale waterlogged. Discussion took place regarding pathway/kerbside parking and the problems this causes pedestrians with pushchairs, wheelchairs and mobility scooters. Cllr Allison advised that in some areas of the UK restrictions were already in force. Cllr Butroid reported that parking outside the Crooked Billet shop was still causing an issue.
9. Playing Field and School Facilities - Poplar tree had now been safely removed. Clerk to seek replacement from local supplier. Cllr Butroid advised that the Cricket Club would be removing their equipment from the field in due course.
10.Community Infrastructure Levy - Clerk advised that she had liaised with Rachael Hughes, Developer Contributions Officer at WLDC who assured that robust procedures were in place to ensure that any CIL income is passed onto the Parish Council accordingly and confirmed that since January 2018 no new developments in Morton had been liable for CIL.
11.Website - Policies and Procedures - Councillors had reviewed Code of Conduct, Complaints Procedure and Financial Regulations prior to the meeting which had now been uploaded to the website. Cllr Parry suggested that these be reviewed annually as part of the Annual meeting and Cllr Allison suggested that this meeting would be an ideal opportunity for an end of year review to highlight the work that the Council have done during the year. Cllr Allison raised concern that there were policies that the Parish Council should be adopting and including on the website. Clerk to seek clarification from LALC. Discussion took place regarding photos of councillors to put on the website. Clerk to organise when restrictions allow.
12.Items for Inclusion on next Agenda
a. Litter Pick
b. Contract renewals
13.Date and Time of Next Meeting - Monday 15 March 2021
The meeting closed at 8.15 pm.