May 2021 Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes of the 127th Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting Held on Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 6.30 pm held remotely via Zoom
Cllr Parry (Chair), Cllr Allison (Vice-Chair), Cllr Butroid, Cllr Gott, PCSO Thomas, C Graves (Clerk)
1. Apologies - Cllr Panter, Cllr Youngman, Cllr Ward, Cllr Snee, Cllr Clews
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th May 2019 (2020 meeting cancelled) - Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr Allison, Seconded Cllr Butroid. Agreed by all.
3. Report from the Chairman of the Parish Council - Cllr Parry gave a verbal report to the Council on what had been a challenging year. Progress on the bus shelter was slow due to COVID and location issues. SID sign is working well, and data now being captured for monitoring purposes and with the purchase of a second sign this year at the opposite end of the village this will help build a clearer picture on speeding throughout the village. There were no planning issues to report, however, it was noted that the land behind Nursery Vale and also Kitty's Field would need close monitoring. Progress was being made with the new website and the possible purchase of additional dog waste bins would be beneficial to the community. There had been no further issues with fly tipping at the cemetery. As this was the last remote meeting Cllr Parry thanked Councillors for their ongoing support, time and efforts throughout the year which was greatly appreciated.
4. Clerk's Summary - Summary circulated prior to meeting. As at 4th May 2021 there was a healthy balance of £43,759.58 in our combined bank accounts.
5. Any Other Business including reports from partners and village organisations - PCSO Thomas shared a 2021 Crime Statistics report with the Clerk who would distribute to Councillors. This showed that during the period 1st May 2020 to 30th April 2021 a total of 72 incidents had been reported. PCSO gave a breakdown of incidents which included burglaries from 1 house, 1 shed and 2 garages. Other incidents included shop thefts, dog bites, online fraud, anti-social behaviour, and minor incidents. Cllr Gott raised concern of a recent burglary on Walkerith Road where jewellery had been stolen. This appeared to be an isolated incident, however, residents were encouraged to ensure that doors and windows were secure. Cllr Gott and Cllr Allison reported that youths riding around the village and onto the riverbank on pit bikes was becoming a regular occurrence. Police aware. Cllr Parry sincerely thanked PCSO Thomas for his attendance at the remote meetings.
No other reports received. Meeting closed at 6.52 pm. PCSO Thomas left the meeting.