May 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Tuesday 4 May 2021 at 6.30 pm held remotely via Zoom.
15 minute public forum - no members of the public in attendance and no correspondence received
In Attendance - Cllr Parry (Chair), Cllr Allison (Vice-Chair), Cllr Butroid, Cllr Gott, PCSO Thomas, C. Graves (Clerk)
1. Election of Chairman for the Ensuing Year - Cllr Parry was nominated by Cllr Allison. Seconded by Cllr Gott. Resolved that Cllr Parry be Chairman for the ensuing year.
2. Apologies For Absence - Cllr Youngman, Cllr Panter, Cllr Ward, Cllr Snee, Cllr Clews
3. Election of Vice-Chair for Ensuing Year - Cllr Allison was nominated by Cllr Butroid. Seconded by Cllr Gott. Resolved that Cllr Allison be Vice-Chair for the ensuing year.
4. Election of Village Hall Representative - Cllr Youngman was nominated by Cllr Parry. Seconded by Cllr Butroid. In the absence of Cllr Youngman this would be ratified at the next meeting.
5. Election of Tyler Trust Charity Trustee - Cllr Butroid volunteered to continue this role. Resolved that Cllr Butroid would be Tyler Trust Charity Trustee for the ensuing year.
6. Election of Tree Officer - Cllr Allison volunteered to continue this role. Resolved that Cllr Allison would be Tree Officer for the ensuring year.
7. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 19 April 2021 - Proposed by Cllr Allison as a true and accurate record. Seconded by Cllr Gott. Agreed by all.
8. Declarations of Interest - No declarations of interest noted.
9. Matters Arising and Review of Outstanding Items
a. Crime Vandalism and Antisocial Behaviour - Discussed at Annual Parish Meeting.
b. Councillors Update - Map of location of rubbish and dog waste bins circulated by Cllr Allison prior to meeting. Concern was raised at lack of both bins in the village. Discussion took place regarding possible locations of additional 3 dog waste bins to be purchased by Parish Council. A bin halfway down Mill Lane, a further one on Walkerith Road and possibly one along Trentide near the flood wall. Clerk to liaise further with WLDC as these would be added to their schedule to be emptied. Cllr Parry reported that he had received communication from a resident about wildflowers situated on the verge close to the village hall that had been cut back. The resident had been previously advised that the Parish Council do not manage this area. Cllr Parry reiterated that any communications for the Parish Council must be addressed to the Clerk. Cllr Parry requested that the Clerk include Cllr Youngman and J.Ogden, Chair of the Village Hall Committee in any correspondence regarding the village hall.
c. SID Signage - Cllr Allison reported that he would continue to monitor data monthly and experiment with the software to get the maximum benefit from it. Discussion took place regarding traffic calming measures and the benefit of a crossing outside the Co-op. Site visit to be arranged in the near future with LRSP for location of second SID sign.
d. Bus Shelter Walkerith Road - ongoing. Clerk awaiting reply from LCC regarding grant.
10.Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum to take place on Thursday 6 May. Cllr Allison and Clerk to attend ballot count on Friday 7 May.
11.Accounts - Covered in Clerk's summary for Annual Parish Meeting.
12.Burial Ground - Clerk to arrange amendment of Terms and Conditions to cover removal of floral arrangements and tributes and circulate to Councillors for approval.
13.Planning Matters - no planning applications received. Cllr Allison advised that going forward and using the Neighbourhood Plan as a reference point a checklist could be devised to be used by the Parish Council regarding future planning applications received.
14.Playing Field and School Facilities - An email enquiry from a resident had been received and circulated prior to meeting. This was in respect to a previous application for funding. Chairman advised that this was an historical record and funding was not granted as the playing field was not solely available to parishioners due to the Shared Agreement with the school. As discussed at previous meeting Cllr Allison reiterated that the Council should explore possible grants available as the MUGA was in need of repair. Cllr Butroid advised that lerk advised that unfortunately the alarm at the school had been activated during a football match recently. An enquiry had been received for the hire of the playing field for a further adult football team for the following season September - May. Changing facilities would not be available. Clerk to action. Cllr Butroid to feedback on progress with the rabbits.
15.Litter Pick - It was reported that the scouts had been kindly litter picking around the village and surrounding area. Clerk to send sincere thanks on behalf of the Parish Council. It was hoped following the lifting of restrictions an organised litter pick could be arranged for the August bank holiday.
16.Parish News - It was advised that the Parish News had folded.
17.Website - policies and procedures. Clerk was currently drafting Standing Orders and Communications Policy. Cllr Allison advised that he had updated the Tree Preservation Order survey on the website, and we could possibly look into grants for planting addtional trees. Clerk to arrange purchase and planting of tree to replace white poplar tree removed from rear of playing field.
18.Charitable Donation - a charitable donation in memory of HRH Duke of Edinburgh was considered and it was suggested that the Veterans Breakfast Club would be a worthy beneficiery. Clerk to make enquiries and feedback.
19. Items for Inclusion on next agenda
a. Litter Pick
b. Dog waste bins
20. Date and Time of Next Meeting Monday 28 June at 6.30 pm. This would be a face-to-face meeting. Venue to be confirmed.
The meeting closed at 7.57 pm.