August 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 2 August 2021 at 6.30 pm.
15 minute public forum - Jenny Ogden, Lucille Middleton and Colin Emery in attendance - Jenny Ogden addressed the Council on behalf of the Village Hall/Feast Committee on issues surrounding accessibility to the Community Room during the recent Feast. She expressed their disappointment in being unable to gain access to the Community Room, therefore causing difficulties with the supply of electric and water. Whilst they accepted that these were unprecedented times the committee wished to seek clarification on why the Community Room was still closed when guidelines for the opening of venues such as village halls and community spaces changed earlier in the year. Further clarification was also requested on who is responsible for the room and the key, how and when this can be booked out and what costs were involved.
Colin Emery expressed concern for the football and cricket clubs that would be impacted due to no changing and toilet facilities being available and enquired what impact the Neighbourhood Plan had on the use of the playing field. Lucille Middleton raised concerns that the Shared Agreement was not being adhered to and the community were not able to enjoy the field. There was also disappointment of the breakdown in communication with the school. Jenny explained that the Village Hall Committee would be more than happy to help with any fundraising required to ensure that the community room is once again fit for purpose. In answer to Colin's enquiry regarding the Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Allison replied that the Neighbourhood Plan would protect from any houses being built on the field.
Cllr Parry thanked Jenny for her comments and agreed that the lack of communication had caused considerable difficulties, however, both parties agreed that in hindsight earlier enquiries and consultation would have alleviated some of these issues. Cllr Parry proposed the following plan over a 5-6 week timescale and endeavour to have the Community Room open.
- Parish Council to write to Board of Governors outlining our intention to re-open the Community Room
- Request copy of the report from the school that condemned the kitchen area and seek quotes if necessary for any work that needs to be carried out
- Obtain a master set of keys and seek clarification on any changes to the alarm system
- Arrange a COVID compliant deep clean by a professional company
Cllr Parry requested that the Village Hall Committee give some consideration on how they wish further communication to take place. A virtual Zoom meeting could be arranged if required and requested that any further email correspondence was through Jenny, Chair of the Village Hall Committee, and the Clerk.
Colin Emery requested that parishioners be made aware of any outcome. Cllr Parry gave reassurance that an announcement would be put out on social medial, noticeboard and the website.
In Attendance - Cllr Parry (Chair), Cllr Allison (Vice-Chair), Cllr Butroid, Cllr Youngman, Cllr Panter, C. Graves (Clerk)
1. Apologies For Absence - No apologies received.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 June 2021 - Approved by all Parish Councillors. Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr Allison. Seconded by Cllr Butroid.
3. Declarations of Interest - No declarations of interest noted.
4. Matters Arising and Review of Outstanding Items
a. Crime Vandalism and Antisocial Behaviour - PCSO Burnett gave a brief overview of crime within the last 6 weeks, this included criminal damage, RTC, a possible theft and assault. Cllr Allison advised that the wall in Pump Alley had been defaced with graffiti and dog fouling was still an issue. The Parish Council had drafted a letter in response to ACC Davison's letter regarding the force's future strategy for neighbourhood policing. Clerk to circulate to Council for approval prior to submitting. Cllr Allison asked PCSO Burnett if speeding would still be a priority and PCSO Burnett confirmedmthat it would. Cllr Allison highlighted that it would be useful to know the number of FPNs issued recently. Clrr Parry thanked PCSO Burnett for his report and he left the meeting at 7.10 pm.
b. Councillors Update - Cllr Parry advised on a report of a recent wasp's nest, as the location of this was grammar school field no further action would be taken by the local authority. Cllr Allison reported that following the submission of a grant application in recognition of the Queens Platinum Jubilee's tree planting initiative a representative from LCC had visited 2 possible sites, these were identified as Millwood and an area on the playing field near the edge where the old play area was. Cllr Allison would contact the Woodland Trust for further clarification and feedback.
c. SID Signage - Cllr Allison reported that the solar sign had been delivered. Cllr Allison and Clerk to arrange to unpack and check contents before arranging for installation. Arrangements would also be made to move the spare bracket from Willingham Road to enable data capture of vehicle movements exiting the village along Front Street.
d. Bus Shelter Walkerith Road - Clerk had received quote and dimensions for the Bushby bus shelter from Littlethorpe of Leicester and would circulate for consideration prior to re-submitting the grant application.
5. Neighbourhood Plan - Cllr Allison advised that as it is now the duty of the Parish Council to ensure that the policies of the Neighbourhood Plan have not been breached in respect of any new planning applications. A policy checklist has been devised to assist Councillors when reviewing planning applications. Cllr Allison to circulate and Clerk to arrange uploading to website. As the MNP had now been adopted it was agreed that agenda item 5 Neighbourhood Planning would be removed from the agenda and would now be covered in agenda item Planning Matters.
6. Accounts - Clerk distributed financial statement for July. No questions. Proposed Cllr Butroid. Seconded Cllr Panter.
7. Burial Ground - Following a recent report of breach of Burial Ground regulations Clerk to make enquiries and feedback.
8. Planning Matters - no planning applications received. The Parish Council had received notification from WLDC informing them of the decision of the Planning and Regulation Committee regarding the Parish Council's objection to the Morton Road/Terrace, Shakespeare Street and Sandsfield Lane proposed waiting restrictions. The Committee had resolved to overrule the objections received and to introduce the proposals as advertised. The proposed waiting restrictions will be introduced in due course. Councillors expressed disappointment at this outcome.
9. Playing Field and School Facilities - Discussed within Public Forum.
10.Litter Pick - Cllr Youngman confirmed that WLDC would provide necessary equipment for the Litter Pick on Saturday 28 August 10 am - 12 noon. Poster to be displayed on noticeboard and advertised on social media.
11.ID Badges - Councillors to provide Clerk with suitable photo as soon as possible.
12.Community Speed Watch Scheme - Clerk to liaise with Graeme Butler from LRSP to request further details of scheme and training.
13.Parish Council Award - Discussion took place regarding an Annual Parish Council Award which could be awarded each year on the weekend of the Feast. This could be awarded to a group or an individual. Councillors to consider nomination process, certificate, and prize. Cllr Allison suggested that the Parish Council have a stall/tent at the next Feast to promote the Parish Council and the work that they carry out within the community. For future agenda item.
14.Facebook - Cllr Parry to draft some housekeeping rules for the Facebook page. It was agreed that the Facebook page would be used to advertise local events and announcements and the Website would be a source for official Council business.
15.Items for Inclusion on next agenda
a. Councillor attendance
b. Newsletter
16. Date and Time of Next Meeting Monday 6 September at 6.30 pm.
The meeting closed at 7.55 pm.