March 2024 Agenda

A meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday March 11th2024, at 6.30pm in the Community Room at Morton Trentside School.
There will be an opportunity at the start of the meeting for members of the community to ask questions or make short statements to the Council. The community may also submit written questions to be read out at the start of the Council meeting. The Council will then agree to discuss the issue at the meeting or at a later one.
1) Apologies for absence.
2) Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday February 12th2024 - for approval and signature.
3) Declarations of Interests - to receive any declarations of interest concerning matters discussed in this meeting.
4) Accounts - review and agree outstanding accounts.
5) Community Safety (Crime, Vandalism, Anti-Social Behaviour & Speeding) - update and resolve any action to be taken.
a) SID Data – Cllr B Allison
b) Parish Council Engagement Session on Road Safety February 20th - Cllr B Allison
c) New crime reports.
6) Playing Field & Shared Community Facilities – update and resolve any action to be taken.
a) Playing Field Committee meeting March 6th and consider budget – Cllr C Allison
b) Morton Feastival July 13th2024 - to consider donation
c) Morton Trentside School meeting February 29th – Cllr B Allison
7) Burial Ground - update and resolve any action to be taken.
a) Grass cutting contract, to consider quotes received – Clerk
b) Carriageway refurbishment update – Clerk
8) Planning (Cllr Butroid) ¬– update and resolve any action to be taken.
a) New Planning Applications received:
b) Kitty’s Field Planning Review update - Cllr Butroid
c) Important Open Space, Field Lane – Cllr B Allison/Clerk
9) Village Environment - update and resolve any action to be taken.
a) Re-wilding of Field Lane – Cllr Butroid
b) Fix My Street – Cllr B Allison
10) Tyler Trust - update and resolve any action to be taken – Cllr Butroid
11) Village Hall Representative - Cllr Youngman
12) Community Assets – Cllr Gott
13) Councillor's Updates - Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report other minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.
14) Items for inclusion on next agenda.
15) Date and Time of Next Meeting – March 11that 6:30pm to be held in the Morton Trentside School Community Room.