May 2020 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the Annual Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 4th May 2020 at 6.30pm held remotely via Zoom.
15 minute public forum – no members of the public in attendance and no correspondence received.
In Attendance – Cllr Parry (Chair), Cllr Allison (Vice-Chair), Cllr Butroid, Cllr Panter, Cllr Youngman, Cllr Gott, C.Graves (Clerk)
1. Election of Chairman for the Ensuing Year – Cllr Parry was nominated by Cllr Allison. Seconded by Cllr Butroid. Resolved that Cllr Parry be Chairman for the ensuing year.
2. Apologies for Absence – None.
3. Election of Vice-Chair for the Ensuing Year – Cllr Allison was nominated by Cllr Youngman. Seconded by Cllr Panter. Resolved that Cllr Allision be Vice-Chair for the ensuing year.
4. Election of Village Hall Representative – Cllr Youngman was nominated by Cllr Butroid. Seconded by Cllr Gott. Resolved that Cllr Youngman be Village Hall Representative for ensuing year.
5. Election of Tyler Trust Charity Trustee – Cllr Butroid was nominated by Cllr Youngman. Seconded by Cllr Allison. Resolved that Cllr Butroid be Tyler Trust Charity Trustee for the ensuing year.
6. Election of Tree Officer – Cllr Panter was nominated by Cllr Parry. Seconded by Cllr Gott. Resolved that Cllr Panter be Tree Officer for the ensuing year.
7. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 30th March 2020 – Meeting cancelled.
8. Declaration of Interests – None.
9. Matters Arising and Review of Outstanding Items
(a) Crime, Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour – Cllr Parry reported that the skip in the cemetery had been misused with evidence of household waste being dumped. Clerk to report this WLDC. Cllr Youngman also reported an increase in fly tipping whilst the Recycling Centre had been closed during lockdown.
Clerk to email PCSO Thomas and ask for an update on any recent crime.
10. Neighbourhood Planning – All relevant documentation circulated prior to meeting. Morton Parish Council are happy with the level of consultation that has occurred during the course of developing the plan and agree that the plan meets the conditions set out in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Vote taken to submit the plan to WLDC was agreed unanimously.
11. Accounts - Review and Agree Outstanding Accounts
Financial statement for March distributed prior to meeting. No comments.
Proposed by Cllr Youngman. Seconded by Cllr Butroid. Clerk advised that 2019/20 accounts had been submitted to Rigel Wolf for audit purposes.
12. Burial Ground
(a) Update and resolve any action to be taken - Cllr Panter to forward enquiry to Clerk. Skip situation to be closely monitored.
13. Planning Matters - no planning applications received. Comments and observations for planning application 140752 and 140753 submitted to WLDC regarding ATM at The Crooked Billet. Cllr Butroid reported that she had heard that there had been a near miss incident involving a bus and car outside the shop recently. It was agreed that any further incidents should be logged, and photographic evidence be sought if possible.
14. Playing Field and School Facilities
(a) School Shared Agreement – to consider quotes for lighting and removal of shelter and fallen tree. Quote for lighting deferred to next meeting. Revised quote from DWG Groundcare for removal of shelter and fallen tree proposed by Cllr Allison. Seconded by Cllr Butroid. Cutting back of hedges would be scheduled for later date due to nesting season. Clerk to inform DWG Groundcare.
15.Items for Inclusion on the next Agenda
(a) Lighting quote from Morton Trentside School.
16.Date and Time of Next Meeting – Monday 8th June 2020 at 6.30pm.
The meeting closed at 7.10pm.