October 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 26th October at 6.30pm held remotely via Zoom.
15 minute public forum – Simon Tomlinson and Leanne Pogson (Brown & Co), Martin Ward and Rav Saib, Morton residents present.
Cllr Parry welcomed all to meeting and invited Simon to address Council.
Simon explained that he had been instructed by his client to engage with the Parish Council and residents of Morton regarding possible development of approximately 12 acres of agricultural land to the rear of Walkerith Road, adjacent to Nursery Vale. Preapplication planning had been submitted and some technical objections identified. A site survey had not yet been carried out. Taking into consideration the Morton Neighbourhood Plan and Central Lincolnshire Local Plan it was not intended to develop the full 12 acres as a large-scale residential development and the possibility of larger or single storey dwellings was being explored.
Martin Ward thanked Simon for his presentation. Martin explained that following Simon’s previous post on a local social media page a Facebook page “Keep Morton A Village” had been set up by residents to share aspirations and thoughts regarding any future residential developments in the village. It was clear from feedback received that residents, although aware that any development cannot remain static there was opposition and concern for any further large-scale developments. These concerns included flood risk due to the location of the land and drainage, threat to wildlife, road infrastructure, transport links and schooling. Martin was also interested to find out whether any previous planning had been submitted for the land in the past. Cllr Allison explained that whilst there was no specific mention in the Neighbourhood Plan that Morton required further development, there was however a degree of level of acceptance in line with the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan regarding minimal development. Simon reiterated that at this stage proposals were in the early stages. Cllr Parry advised that this would be put on the agenda for the next meeting and invited Rav Saib to speak.
Cllr Parry thanked Simon, Leanne, and Martin for their presentations, and they left the meeting.
Rav wished to express his concerns regarding the speeding traffic specifically on Crooked Billet Street, this included HGV’s, farm machinery, skip hire trucks, effluent vehicles, buses, and scrap yard trucks. He feels there is no consideration given to the school and pupils and in general the inconsiderate attitudes of drivers. He feels that the speed signage has no effect and is disappointed with police input. Parked cars along Crooked Billet Street is also a problem. The second issue refers to dog fouling in particular Manor Road. Part of this road is also poorly maintained. The positioning of warning stickers and bins appears to make no difference and bags of dog excrement are regularly left discarded or excrement just not cleared up at all.
Cllr Snee explained that there had been police presence in the village the previous week carrying out speed checks. Cllr Rollings agreed that speeding was a huge issue and felt that the lack of investment in this part of the county by LCC Highways needed addressing. Several other villages in the county had a speed limit of 20mph and there was no reason why this could not be rolled out to our surrounding villages making the roads safer for people to cycle to work and school. Cllr Clews was keen to campaign “20 is plenty” and Rav offered his support. Clerk to correspond with police with ongoing concerns and approach Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.
Cllr Allison informed that the Parish Council were committed to the purchase of a second SID sign and extracting the data from the sign to back up the need for additional speed checks by the police.
Cllr Parry thanked Rav for his comments and he left the meeting.
In Attendance – Cllr Parry (Chair), Cllr Allison (Vice-Chair), Cllr Butroid, Cllr Panter, Cllr Youngman, Cllr Gott, Cllr Rollings, Cllr Clews, Clr Snee, C.Graves (Clerk)
1. Apologies for Absence – Cllr James Ward, apologies accepted.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 21st September 2020 – Approved by all Parish Councillors. Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr Allison. Seconded by Cllr Butroid.
3. Declaration of Interests – None.
4. Matters Arising and Review of Outstanding Items
(a) Crime, Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour – Email circulated prior to meeting from PCSO Thomas advising that a monthly newsletter would now be circulated by the Neighbourhood Policing Team. He also confirmed that following speed checks on Walkerith Road and Front Street on Friday 23 October and several tickets had been issued.
(b) Councillor’s Updates - Cllr Allison thanked Cllr Rollings for her input with the Enforcement Team at WLDC following reports of fly tipping and dog fouling.
Cllr Allison felt that the Council should build a good working relationship with WLDC to improve communications.
(c) SID Signage – Cllr Allison asked that consideration was given when purchasing a second sign that this is solar powered. He reported that due to the high volume of traffic the battery was draining rapidly. Current cost of solar sign from Unipart Dorman was £2,645.00.
(d) Bus Shelter – Dimensions submitted to LCC. Awaiting confirmation of grant.
(e) Website – Cllr Parry requested that councillors consider proposed new website arrangements with LCC. Previously proposed at last meeting by Cllr Butroid. Seconded by Cllr Gott. Agreed by all. Cllr Panter left the meeting at 7.30 pm
5. Neighbourhood Planning – Cllr Allison reported that following communication with WLDC they were in the process of appointing an external examiner.
6. Accounts - Review and Agree Outstanding Accounts
Financial statement distributed prior to meeting. Proposed by Cllr Youngman. Seconded by Cllr Allison. Agreed by all.
7. Burial Ground
(a) Update and resolve any action to be taken – Discussion took place regarding a proforma for distribution to Funeral Directors to assist with approval process of non-residents. Clerk to draft proforma and circulate for comments prior to approval. Cllr Parry requested close monitoring of the skip due to fly tipping of domestic household waste. Cllr Youngman suggested that without the skip the disposal of cemetery rubbish would cause an issue.
8. Planning Matters – Cllr Allison enquired if Council had been in receipt of any CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) money. Clerk to investigate and feedback.
Following issues with traffic congestion around the convenience shop on Crooked Billet corner, Cllr Gott requested that enquiries are made with WLDC regarding the lack of car park facilities attached to the shop. Clerk to draft letter.
9. Playing Field and School Facilities
(a) School Shared Agreement – No update. Cllr Snee reported that there was a tree on land at the rear of the field that was leaning badly and appeared to be only held up by another tree. It was unclear as to who owned the land. Clerk to investigate.
New signage – ongoing.
10. Future Meetings and Councillor Attendance – Cllr Parry reported that due to virtual meetings continuing at least into the new year he had put together some guidance and meeting etiquette. Clerk to send out to councillors for comments and any amendments prior to agreement. Cllr Snee asked what provision was in place for those unable to join remotely. Clerk advised that anyone wishing to raise any concerns or questions with the Parish Council could do so by sending correspondence via post, email, or telephone enquiry. Clerks details were available on the noticeboard situated outside Co-op and are also printed on the agenda each month. Cllr Parry would contact those councillors who had been unable to attend remotely to date and offer any support if needed. Cllr Parry advised that the dates for 2021 would be circulated in due course.
11. Noticeboard - Clerk to manage the noticeboard and keep updated. Cllr Allison would also hold a key and Cllr Clews offered to help if needed.
12. Anti-Social Behaviour (fly tipping and dog fouling) – covered in item 7 and public forum. Clerk to liaise with enforcement at WLDC regarding permanent signage and report village “hot spots” for dog fouling. Cllr Youngman would liaise with Scouts regarding their dispensers for bags.
13. Items for Inclusion on next agenda
(a) Update on possible development of land adjacent to Nursery Vale
(b) Website contents
(c) Zoom virtual meeting protocols and etiquette
(d) Clerk’s salary
14. Date and Time of Next Meeting – Monday 30th November 2020 at 6.30pm.
The meeting closed at 8.27 pm.