June 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 8th June 2020 at 6.30pm held remotely via Zoom.
15 minute public forum – no members of the public in attendance. Correspondence received from Mr and Mrs A Chapman
In Attendance – Cllr Parry (Chair), Cllr Allison (Vice-Chair), Cllr Butroid, Cllr Panter, Cllr Youngman, Cllr Gott, Cllr Snee, C.Graves (Clerk)
1. Apologies for Absence – Cllr Ward, Cllr Clews
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 4th May 2020 – Approved by all Parish Councillors. Proposed as a true and accurate record by Cllr Panter. Seconded by Cllr Butroid.
3. Declaration of Interests – None.
4. Matters Arising and Review of Outstanding Items
(a) Crime, Vandalism and Anti-Social Behaviour – No report received from PCSO Thomas.
Cllr Parry and Cllr Allison informed that there had been reports of cold callers recently in the village and residents should be aware.
Cllr Allison also reported that there had been 5 police cars parked outside the church on 29th May. Cllr Butroid had received reports of groups of youths congregating around the three hills area. It was agreed that Clerk would email Jen Waddington West Lindsey Community Policing Inspector.
Cllr Parry reiterated that residents witnessing anti-social activity, or any other incidents should report these at the time through the correct channels, either via 101 or through the online reporting system which can be found on the Lincolnshire Police website.
(b) Councillor’s Updates – None
(c) SID Signage – Cllr Allison reported that the sign was working effectively in its new location. Cllr Parry proposed that a further battery-operated SID sign be purchased along with the facility for data retrieval. It was unanimously agreed that the purchase of a second sign be made as the speeding traffic through the village was an ongoing issue. Clerk to contact Unipart Dorman.
(d) Bus Shelter – Ongoing, awaiting specific dimensions of shelter from B Knight & Son.
(e) Bench Cross/South Street – Clerk to liaise with Cllr Gott who kindly offered to erect the bench.
5. Neighbourhood Planning – Cllr Allison confirmed that the plan had now been submitted to WLDC.
6. Accounts - Review and Agree Outstanding Accounts
Financial statement for May distributed prior to meeting. No comments.
Proposed by Cllr Youngman. Seconded by Cllr Butroid.
(a) Insurance Renewal – Amendments to additional items insured noted and agreed by all. Clerk to take photographs of items for records and renew insurance accordingly.
(b) Pest Control Playing Field – Renewal of contract with Axholme Pest Control for domestic mole control. No price increase from previous year. All agreed renewal of contract. Cllr Butroid to make enquiries regarding rabbit control.
7. Burial Ground
(a) Update and resolve any action to be taken – Clerk informed that fly tipping issue had been reported to the enforcement team at WLDC.
8. Planning Matters
(a) 140986 Lagoon, Carr Lane – Comments and observations from Parish Council submitted. Cllr Snee informed that she had submitted a calling in request. It was noted that there had been no comments/objections submitted by Blyton Parish Council which was disappointing. Discussion took place regarding the photographs of the dyke near the Sandy Lane lagoon and potential pollution. Cllr Gott enquired whether the environmental agency or water authority is aware. Cllr Allison had heard reports of dogs becoming ill after drinking water from nearby dikes close to these lagoons. Cllr Snee informed the Council that Ian Knowles Chief Executive of WLDC would be carrying out a Ward visit on 10th July and this issue would be raised. Cllr Youngman expressed an interest to be involved if a visit to the site was arrange.
9. Playing Field and School Facilities
(a) School Shared Agreement – to consider quotes for outside lighting and portable fire-fighting equipment. It was unanimously agreed that the Parish Council were unable to make a financial contribution due to ongoing financial commitments including maintenance work on the playing field. Clerk to inform school. Clerk to arrange payment of invoice 001 for utility costs 2019/20.
(b) Fence Southlands Drive – Cricket club to remove padlock and chain as soon as possible. It was unanimously agreed that as the Parish Council had no direct involvement no further correspondence would be made in this matter. Clerk to inform resident.
15.Items for Inclusion on the next Agenda
(a) TPOs
(b) Lagoon
(c) Statement of Financial Affairs Year Ended 31st March 2020
16.Date and Time of Next Meeting – Monday 13th July 2020 at 6.30pm.
The meeting closed at 8.10pm.