November 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 30 November 2020 at 6.30 pm held remotely via Zoom.
In Attendance - Cllr Parry (Chair), Cllr Allison (Vice-Chair), Cllr Panter, Cllr Butroid, Cllr Youngman, Cllr Gott, Cllr Snee, PCSO Thomas, C. Graves (Clerk)
1. Apologies For Absence - No apologies of absence were received
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 26 October 2020 - Approved by all Parish Councillors. Proposed Cllr Youngman. Seconded Cllr Butroid.
3. Declarations of Interest - No declarations of interest noted.
4. Matter Arising and Review of Outstanding Items
a. Crime Vandalism and Antisocial Behaviour - Cllr Parry welcome PCSO Thomas to the meeting. PCSO Thomas reported that several more speeding tickets had been issued following recent speed checks in the village. Cllr Allison explained that the Parish Council were looking at investing in data retrieval from the SID sign and asked if this data could be used to provide the police with evidence that speeding was an ongoing issue in the village highlighting the need for more rigorous and regular speed checks. PCSO Thomas replied that any data supplied would be helpful, however, it would need to be proven that there was a persistent issue with excessive speeding and any accidents, this information could then be shared with LRSP. Cllr Allison asked if PCSO Thomas knew of anywhere in Lincolnshire that had a 20mph statutory speed limit. PCSO Thomas replied that the 20mph limits in the county were only advisory. Discussion took place regarding police presence and ongoing constraints due to COVID and financial pressures. Cllr Parry thanked PCSO Thomas for his report.
b. Councillors Update - Cllr Snee recognised that the issues with speeding was a problem for the surrounding villages and they would be pushing forward with the 20 is Plenty Campaign.
c. SID Signage - Cllr Allison reported that he was charging the sign twice a month. Discussion took place regarding the data retrieval option and cost involved which would be an additional £350.00. Proposed Cllr Allison. Seconded Cllr Butroid. Agreed by all that the data logging option would be purchased alongside the solar powered sign once funds were received from the Councillor Initiative Fund. Clerk to action.
d. Bus Shelter Walkerith Road - Report and observations from highways circulated prior to meeting. Discussion took place regarding shelter specification and whether perspex sides could be incorporated for visibility. PCSO Thomas advised that these could be targeted by vandals and broken quite easily. Clerk to liaise with B.Knight and highways. Cllr Snee suggested that Cllr Perraton-Williams may be able to assist.
e. Website - Clerk reported that the website was taking shape with additional support from Pete Langford and go live was imminent. Cllr Allison highlighted that the new website would be standardised in line with other Parish Council websites and recommended that the Council consider training to ensure that any updates and amendments to the website would be carried out by another councillor. Currently the Clerk and Cllr Allison have this access. Cllr Allison thanked Clerk for additional input into the website. The Privacy Notice and Accessibility Statement had been circulated prior to meeting.
5. Neighbourhood Plan - Cllr Allison advised that he had shared the link for the Neighbourhood Plan on social media. This would be uploaded onto the new website in due course.
6. Accounts - Cllr Gott raised concern that the sum of £255.00 appeared excessive for treatment and removal of wasps nest. Clerk replied that this was for the removal of two nests. However, it was recommended that Cllr Gott would share details of company for any future quotes. No further questions. Proposed Cllr Gott. Seconded Cllr Youngman. Agreed by all.
a. Setting of Precept Estimate 2020/21 - Precept estimate had been agreed prior to meeting via email of £14,963. Clerk to circulated financial forecast prior to next meeting and final precept submission to WLDC.
b. AGAR Part 3 - External auditor report for 2019/20 circulated prior to meeting and recommendations noted by all. Clerk would arrange to display Notice of Conclusion of Audit on noticeboard and new website.
7. Burial Ground
a. Consider current fees, terms and conditions and plot maintenance - Correspondence had been received regarding maintenance of an individual cremation plot which had been circulated prior to meeting. Discussion took place regarding plots that had been extended by kerbing, bordering and fencing, some of which distracted from those plots that remained within the boundaries of 2ft x 1.5ft. The current conditions dated April 2019 state no kerbing is allowed. Cllr Parry suggested that the fees, terms and conditions are reviewed in the New Year and requested that Councillors give this consideration. Cllr Allison suggested that photos are taken for record purposes to ensure that plots are not extended beyond the agreed size. Clerk to contact individual regarding plot.
Cllr Youngman enquired as to why the fence bordering the main round to Blyton had been removed which had resulted in the cemetery appearing quite exposed on that side. Cllr Parry explained that some time ago the fence had been damaged beyond repair. Discussion took place regarding planting of hedges and it was suggested that the Woodland Trust be approached regarding this. Clerk to action. Cllr Snee also expressed concern regarding fly tipping.
8. Planning Matters - No planning applications received
a. Update on verge, 43 Walkerith Road - Councillors noted reply received from enforcement at WLDC that this a highways issue. Crooked Billet Parking Spaces - reply awaited from enforcement at WLDC.
b. Possible development rear of Walkerith Road adjacent to Nursery Vale - no further updates. Cllr Parry advised that any correspondence or queries relating to the development should be directed to the Clerk and not individual Councillors.
9. Playing Field and School Facilities
a. School Shared Agreement - No update.
Clerk informed that DWG Groundcare had reported that the cricket nets and screens were in bad repair. Cllr Butroid to inform cricket club.
Cllr Snee enquired if there had been any development on the tree that was leaning badly. Clerk had reported to WLDC, however, response was disappointing. Clerk to forward email to Cllr Snee who would look into this further.
Clerk informed that due to COVID unfortunately several football matches had been cancelled resulting in a decrease of subs. Cllr Parry asked Councillors to consider offering a £50.00 rebate from the bond that had been received prior to the season. The bond could then be reimbursed at the start of the next season. Proposed Cllr Parry. Seconded Cllr Gott. All agreed. Clerk to contact MFC.
10.Zoom Meeting - to agree protocols and etiquette
Cllr Parry thanked Cllr Allison for his comments and suggestions. Cllr Parry to review and collate and requested that this be put on the agenda for January. PCSO Thomas agreed to let the Clerk know whether he would be able to attend future meetings, or if he were unavailable whether a colleague would attend in his place. Alternatively he would email a brief report to the Clerk.
Cllr Snee and PCSO Thomas left the meeting at 8.03 pm
11.Closed Session - Council resolved to exclude the public and press and go into closed session, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to allow consideration to be given to Clerk's salary. It was resolved to award the Clerk a salary increase of 2% with effect from 1 December 2020 and an ex-gratia payment of £250.00.
12.Items for Inclusion on next Agenda
a. Burial Ground Fees, Terms and Conditions
b. Zoom Protocols and Etiquette
c. Precept 2020/21
13.Date and Time of Next Meeting - Monday 4th January 2021
The meeting closed at 8.21 pm.