January 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting for Morton Parish Council held on Monday 4 January 2021 at 6.30 pm held remotely via Zoom.
15 minute public forum - no members of the public in attendance and no correspondence received
In Attendance - Cllr Parry (Chair), Cllr Allison (Vice-Chair), Cllr Panter, Cllr Butroid, Cllr Youngman, Cllr Ward, PCSO Burnett, C. Graves (Clerk)
1. Apologies For Absence - Cllr Snee
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 30 November 2020 - Approved by all Parish Councillors. Proposed Cllr Butroid. Seconded Cllr Ward.
3. Declarations of Interest - No declarations of interest noted.
4. Matter Arising and Review of Outstanding Items
a. Crime Vandalism and Antisocial Behaviour - Cllr Parry welcome PCSO Burnett to the meeting. PCSO Burnett informed the Council that a car had been traced occupants apprehended which was thought to be involved in hare coursing. Cllr Butroid enquired whether this was linked to reckless driving around the Field Lane area and a car mounting the kerb putting a pedestrian in danger. PCSO Burnett also reported that there had been a RTC causing some minor vehicle damage and 3 reports of suspicious activity involving garden intruders with torches. There had been 2 reports of theft from the Co-Op, 3 reports of violence and ASB around Dog and Duck Lane. Cllr Allison asked what action was being taken with regard to ASB which appeared to be linked to a specific property. PCSO Burnett reassured the Council that the police were aware and this was being followed up. Discussion took place regarding persistent dog fouling in the village and how the Council could work in partnership with WLDC to help reduce fouling in problematic areas. Clerk to include PCSO Burnett on the Zoom meeting ID details moving forward. Cllr Parry thanked PCSO Burnett for his report.
PSCO Burnett left the meeting at 6.55 pm.
b. Councillors Update - No update.
c. SID Signage - Clerk reported that funds had now been received from the Councillor Initiative Fund and she would liaise with Graeme Butler from LRSP regarding post suitability for the solar unit. Quotes had been received from both Unipart Dorman and Elan City. Clerk to circulated information and feedback on advice from LRSP prior to sign being ordered. Cllr Youngman enquired whether the current sign would be relocated to Walkerith Road where it had been placed initially and Cllr Parry confirmed that this was the intention. A solar sign would need a more permanent position as once in place was more difficult to move, therefore, this would be more beneficial in a high volume traffic area.
d. Bus Shelter Walkerith Road - Clerk reported that revised shelter with perspex sides had been submitted to highways and feedback was awaited.
e. Website - New website now live and indexed to Google. Cllr Parry suggested that the homepage photograph was changed regularly and contact details to be updated with Chairman's contact details.
5. Neighbourhood Plan - Cllr Allison updated the Council that the process of allocating an external examiner had commenced and the steering committee and Parish Council would be invited to assist with the shortlisting process. Clive Keeble would also be available to advise. There would then be time to make any adjustments to the plan if necessary before the proposed referendum date of 6 May.
6. Accounts - No questions. Proposed Cllr Ward. Seconded Cllr Allison. Agreed by all.
a. Precept 2021/22 - Estimate of £14,963.00 previously agreed and submitted. No adjustments required. Proposed Cllr Butroid. Seconded Cllr Ward. Agreed by all. Clerk to submit to WLDC and clarify arrangements regarding signing of form.
7. Burial Ground
a. Consider current fees, terms and conditions - Councillors had given consideration to current fees, terms and conditions. Cllr Parry requested that the Clerk search the archives to establish when the cremation plot size had been fixed at 2ftx1.5ft and when the fees for cremation plot had last been increased. Clerk to investigate and also compare fees in other parishes of similar size.
8. Planning Matters - No planning applications received
Clerk to chase Crooked Billet parking spaces with WLDC enforcement. Discussion took place regarding Kitty's bungalow/field and this plot being withdrawn from auction recently. No update on possible development rear of Walkerith Road adjacent to Nursery Vale.
9. Playing Field and School Facilities - Authorisation had been received from WLDC to remove the white poplar tree that was leaning on land rear to the field. Clerk had requested 3 quotes and 2 had been received from Viking Trees and DWG Groundcare which had previously been shared with the Council. Considering both quotes it was proposed by Cllr Butroid and Seconded by Cllr Youngman that DWG Groundcare would be approached to carry out the work. Agreed by all. Clerk to liaise with DWG Groundcare and inform the school and resident on Southlands Drive. Clerk to arrange replacement tree.
10.Zoom Protocols and Etiquette - Document circulated prior to meeting. Proposed Cllr Youngman. Seconded Cllr Ward. Clerk to upload to website.
11.Items for Inclusion on next Agenda
a. Community Infrastructure Levy
12.Date and Time of Next Meeting - Monday 8th February 2021
The meeting closed at 7.52 pm.